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Version: 7.2405.x.x LTS

Value types

Instead of showing the XML schema definitions, we describe the value types in a pseudo-java syntax. Some types represent enums, which are listed below. This is followed by a description of the more complex types.

Enum value types

Note that the nevisIDM SOAP interface ignores unknown enum values, and reacts as if the enum value for the corresponding attribute is missing (that is, the value is converted to null internally). Thus make sure to use the right spelling for enum values when you write the SOAP requests.

SortOrderASC, DESC
Modeadd, remove, recreate
OathAlgorithmSHA1, SHA256, SHA512

Complex types

TypeFieldType, CharacteristicsDescription
AbstractEntityctlCreUidString, read-onlyLogin ID of record creator
ctlCreDatDate, read-onlyDate of record creation
ctlModUidString, read-onlyLogin ID of last modifier
ctlModDatDate, read-onlyDate of last modification
ctlTcnInt, read-onlyVersion number of the entity
Authorization (extends AbstractEntity)roleRoleThe role associated with the authorization
authorizedUnitsUnit[]Units of the data room
authorizedApplicationsApplication[]Applications of the data room
authorizedClientsClient[]Clients of the data room
authorizedEnterpriseRolesEnterpriseRole[]EnterpriseRoles of the data room
unitGlobalBooleanAuthorized for all units
appGlobalBooleanAuthorized for all applications
clientGlobalBooleanAuthorized for all clients
eRoleGlobalBooleanAuthorized for all enterprise roles
extIdString, read-only, identifierExternal key
directAssignmentBoolean, read-onlyThis parameter shows whether an authorization is a direct assignment between a role and a profile or whether it is assigned via an enterprise role.
Profile (extends AbstractEntity)nameString(100)Profile name
extIdString, read-only, identifierExternal key
stateProfileStateState of the profile
unitUnit, one-to-oneThe unit the profile is associated with
propertiesPropertyValue[]Profile properties
defaultProfileBooleanWhether the profile is the user‘s default profile (applies if the user has > 1 profile)
rolesRole[]The roles associated with the profile, including roles assigned via enterprise roles
userExtIdString, read-only, identifierExternal key for user
authorizationsAuthorization[], write-onlyThe authorizations of a profile, including roles assigned via enterprise roles
enterpriseRolesEnterpriseRole[], write-onlyAuthorizations for enterprise roles
deputedExtIdString, read-only, identifierThe deputed (original) profile for deputy profiles
remarksString (1000), descriptionDescription
modificationCommentString, write-onlyTakes a modification comment that is related to the current operation.
Unit (extends AbstractEntity)nameStringName of the unit
extIdString, read-only, identifierExternal key
stateUnitStateState of the unit
displayNameDictEntryLocalized display name
displayNameAbbreviationDictEntryLocalized display name abbreviation
descriptionString, descriptionDescription
parentExtIdString, read-only, identifierExternal key of the parent unit
propertiesPropertyValue[]Unit properties
hnameString(50)Hierarchical name
hnameDictEntryString(50)Localized hierarchical name
profilelessBooleanDefines whether the unit can be assigned to profiles or whether it is a structural unit.
modificationCommentString, write-onlyTakes a modification comment that is related to the current operation.
policyNameString(50)Name of policy
childUnitsUnit[], read-onlyList of the child units. Only returned for the method "getUnits()".
User (extends AbstractEntity)loginIdString, identifierLogin name
extIdString, dentifierExternal key
stateEnum UserStateState of user
firstNameString(50)First name
remarksString(1000), descriptionDescription
isTechnicalUserBooleanTechnical user flag. Only returned for technical users. Thus, if not defined, the value is "false".
sexEnum UserSexSex of the user.
Up to WebService version 1.42, the field sex will be present in the SOAP responses.
From WebService version 1.43 on, sex will be replaced by gender.
genderEnum UserGenderGender of the user. From WebService version 1.43 on, the field gender will be included in SOAP responses. It replaces the field sex.
birthDateDateDay of birth
telephoneString(50)Phone number
telefaxString(50)Fax number
mobileString(50)Mobile number
addressLine1String(50)First address line
addressLine2String(50)Second address line
streetString(60)Up to WebService version 1.37 it will be present in the SOAP response depending on Client policy parameter address.ech0010.enabled. From WebService version 1.38 it will be included into SOAP responses by default. Modifying is allowed for all of the supported WebService versions.
houseNumberString(12)Up to WebService version 1.37 it will be present in the SOAP response depending on Client policy parameter address.ech0010.enabled. From WebService version 1.38 it will be included into SOAP responses by default. Modifying is allowed for all of the supported WebService versions.
dwellingNumberString(10)number of dwellingUp to WebService version 1.37 it will be present in the SOAP response depending on Client policy parameter address.ech0010.enabled. From WebService version 1.38 it will be included into SOAP responses by default. Modifying is allowed for all of the supported WebService versions.
postOfficeBoxNumberLongnumber of postoffice-boxUp to WebService version 1.37 it will be present in the SOAP response depending on Client policy parameter address.ech0010.enabled. From WebService version 1.38 it will be included into SOAP responses by default. Modifying is allowed for all of the supported WebService versions.
postOfficeBoxTextString(15)postoffice-box textUp to WebService version 1.37 it will be present in the SOAP response depending on Client policy parameter address.ech0010.enabled. From WebService version 1.38 it will be included into SOAP responses by default. Modifying is allowed for all of the supported WebService versions.
localityString(255)As of WebService version 1.38, the locality field is included in SOAP responses by default. In previous WebService versions, the locality field is not present at all. Modifying is allowed for all of the supported WebService versions.
postalCodeString(10)Postal code
countryStringcountry code according to ISO 3166
propertiesPropertyValue[]List of assigned properties
languageStringISO 639 language code
templateCollectionStringName of the user‘s template collection
profilesProfile[]List of assigned profiles
credentialsCertificate[]List of assigned credentials
certificatesCredential[]List of assigned certificates
mobileSignaturesMobileSignature[]List of assigned mobile signature credentials
samlFederationsSamlFederation[]List of assigned SAML federation credentials
securityQuestionsSecurityQuestions[]List of assigned security question credentials
lastLoginDate, read-onlyDate of last login
lastLoginFailureDate, read-onlyDate of last login failure
validFromDateTimeStart of validity period (not set means infinitely long ago)
validToDateTimeEnd of validity period (not set means far in the future)
clientExtIdString, read-only, identifier❌ Still supported but deprecated. Use clientExtId on abstractRequest instead. The client’s external key
clientNameString(50), read-only❌ Still supported but deprecated. Use clientName on abstractRequest instead. The client’s name
birthDateFromDatenever returned, only evaluated for queryUsers().
birthDateToDatenever returned, only evaluated for queryUsers()
validFromHiDateTimenever returned, only evaluated for queryUsers(). Upper bound for "validFrom"
validFromLowDateTimenever returned, only evaluated for queryUsers(). Lower bound for "validFrom"
validToHiDateTimenever returned, only evaluated for queryUsers(). Upper bound for "validTo"
validToLowDateTimenever returned, only evaluated for queryUsers(). Lower bound for "validTo"
modificationCommentString, write-onlyTakes a modification comment that is related to the current operation.
stateChangeReasonCdintReason code for the last state change of the user. The change reason code must exist in the TIDMR_CHANGE_REASON table (see Table 47 in chapter
stateChangeDetailString❌ This attribute is deprecated and removed. Reason detail for the last state change of the user.
stateChangedDateDateTimeDate of the last state change of the user.
Client (extends AbstractEntity)nameString(50)Name of client
extIdString(50), read-onlyExternal key
remarksString(1000), descriptionDescription
displayNameDictEntryLocalized display name
Policy(extends AbstractEntity)nameString(50)Policy name
extIdString(50)identifier External key
typePolicyTypePolicy type
defaultBooleanIf context is unit (credential policy to unit assignments), the flag marks the default assignment; if context is client (unit not defined), the flag marks the default policy among all policies of the underlying policy type.
descriptionString(300)Description of policy
configString(4000)The actual configuration of the policy.
Credential (extends AbstractEntity)stateEnum CredentialStateState of the credential, see WSDL interface for details
typeEnum CredentialTypeType of the credential, see WSDL interface for details
lastChangeDateDate of last change applied to credential
validFromDateThe date when the credential becomes valid
validToDateThe date when the credential becomes invalid
resetCountint, ³0Number of times the credential was reset
valueString(4000)Opaque value of the credential
extIdString, read-onlyExternal credential key
propertiesPropertyValue[]Credential properties
policyNameString(50)Name of policy
policyExtIdString(50)External policy identifier
contextString(100)Credential context. It is used for context password credentials only.
stateChangeReasonCdintReason code for the last state change of the credential.
stateChangeDetailStringReason detail for the last state change of the credential.
userExtIdString (50), read-onlyExternal user key
newValueString(4000), write-onlyNew value
lastLoginDate, read-onlyLast login with credential
lastLoginFailureDate, read-onlyLast login failure with credential
failureCountint, ³0Number of times this credential was used in a failed login
successCountint, ≥0Absolute number of times this credential was used for successful authentications
modificationCommentString, write-onlyTakes a modification comment that is related to the current operation.
autoTransitionStateEnum CredentialStateread-onlyNext state in the credential state model.
autoTransitionDateDate, read-onlyThe date/time the auto transition will be triggered.
urlPrefixString, write-only, optionalUsed for creation of URL ticket credentials only. Value is used to build up the personalized link that is communicated to the user.
mobileSignatureMobileSignatureMobile signature extension. Only mobile signature credentials can have this extension.
samlFederationSamlFederationSAML federation extension. Only SAML federation credentials can have this extension.
certificateCertificateCertificate extension. Only Certificate credentials can have this extension.
securityQuestionSecurityQuestionSecurity question extension. Only security question credentials can have this extension.
oathOathOATH extension. Only OATH credentials have this extension.
Application(extends AbstractEntity)nameString(50)Application name
extIdString(50)identifier External key
descriptionString, descriptionDescription
displayNameDictEntryLocalized display name
rolesRole[]Contains all roles of the application
ApplicationClientAssignment (extends AbstractEntity)applicationApplicationApplication of the client application assignment
clientClientClient the application is assigned to
Certificate(extends AbstractEntity)userExtIdString (50), read-onlyExternal key of the user who owns this credential
credentialExtIdString(50)External key of the credential the certificate belongs to
stateEnum CredentialStateCredential state, see WSDL interface for details
shaFingerprintString(80)Fingerprint of the certificate in hexbyte-colon notation
certificateString, mandatory for inputsPEM certificate with start and end headers
serialString(50)Serial number
issuerDnString(1000)DN of the issuer
issuerCnStringCN of the issuer (convenience)
subjectDnString(1000)DN of the subject
subjectCnStringCN of the subject (convenience)
propertiesPropertyValue[], mandatory for inputsPEM certificate with start and end delimiters
MobileSignature(extends AbstractEntity)userExtIdString(50)External key of the user who owns this mobile signature
credentialExtIdString(50)External key of the credential the mobile signature belongs to
stateEnum CredentialStateCredential state, see WSDL interface for details
identificatorString(50)MSSP-specific identificator of the mobile signature credential
msspIdentifierString(50)URI-based identifier of MSSP
msisdnString(4000)Calling number for mobile device according to ETSI Standard, e.g., +417912345678
signerCertString(4000)X509 signer certificate in PEM format
SamlFederation (extends AbstractEntity)userExtIdString(50)External key of the user who owns this SAML federation
credentialExtIdString(50)External key of the credential the SAML federation belongs to
stateEnum CredentialStateCredential state, see WSDL
subjectNameIdString(1030)Name ID of the Subject
subjectNameIdFormatString(100)URI of the Subject Name ID format
issuerNameIdString(1030)Name ID of the Issuer
issuerNameIdFormatString(100)URI of the Issuer Name ID format
Oath (extends AbstractEntity)typeEnum OathTypeType of the OATH credential.
digitsLongThe length of the generated token.Values: 6, 7, 8
periodelongThe time window how long a TOTP token is valid in seconds.
counterlongThe current counter value.
algorithmEnum oathAlgorithmThe hash algorithm to use with this OATH credential.
SecurityQuestionsuserExtIdString(50)External key of the user the security questions belong to.
credentialExtIdString(50)External key of the credential the security questions belong to.
stateEnum CredentialStateState of the security question credential
answersPersonalAnswer[]The user’s answers the security question credential holds
PersonalAnswerquestionPersonalQuestionThe personal question the answer belongs to
answerString(4000)The answer to the personal question
revealCountIntNumber of times the answer has been revealed to an admin.
failureCountIntNumber of times the answer has been failed to verify.
successCountIntNumber of times the answer has been successfully verified.
PersonalQuestionextIdString(50)identifier External key
stateEnum PersonalQuestionStateState of the personal question, see WSDL interface for details.
displayNameDictEntryLocalized display name
contentDictEntryLocalized content of the question
Role(extends AbstractEntity)nameString(50)Role name
extIdString(50)identifier External key
descriptionString, descriptionDescription
applicationNameString(50)Application name
applicationExtIdString(50)The extId of the application which the role belongs to.
propertiesPropertyValue[]Role properties
EnterpriseRole(extends AbstractEntity)nameString(100)EnterpriseRole name
extIdString, read-only, identifierExternal key
descriptionString, descriptionDescription
displayNameDictEntryLocalized display name
rolesRole[]Application roles assigned to EnterpriseRole
Property(extends AbstractEntity)nameString(50)Name of the property
scopeEnum PropertyScopeScope of the property, see WSDL interface for details
allowedValuesString[]Allowed values
guiPrecedenceIntOrder of the property on the GUI
PropertyValuenameString(50)Name of the property
valueStringValue of the property
scopeNameStringOptional target information, e.g., "applName" or "applName,roleName" for "onProfileForApp" scope. See below for more information.
DictEntry(extends AbstractEntity)nameString(50)Name of the dictionary entry
entriesDictEntryValue[]Dictionary entry values
DictEntryValuelangStringISO 639 language code
valueString(100)Localized value
Filecontentxs:base64BinaryThe file content is always base64 encoded. For the encoding, the class org.apache.commons.codec.binary. Base64 of the library Apache Commons Coded in version 1.4 is used.
typeEnum FileTypeFile type of content
selectedProfileApplicationsApplication[]The applications associated with the selected profile.
selectdProfileUnitsUnit[]The units associated with the selected profile.
TemplateextIdString(50)identifier External key
documentTypeenum FileTypeFile type of the template
commEventTypeenum CommEventTypeCommunication event the template belongs to (e.g., password initialization, password reset).
precedenceIntegerPrecedence of the template. It has to be unique for all template collection, communication event and document type combinations. The lowest precedence denotes the default template.
contentTemplateContent[]The language-dependent content of the template. The content can be a string template text or an OpenOffice document.
TemplateContentlangString ISOlanguage code
senderString(50)The e-mail address of the sender (placeholders may be used).
receiverString(50)The e-mail address or phone number of the receiver (placeholders may be used).
receiverCCString(50)The e-mail address of the CC receiver (placeholders may be used).
receiverBCCString(50)The e-mail address of the BCC receiver (placeholders may be used).
subjectString(50)The e-mail’s subject (placeholders may be used).
mandPlaceholdersString(4000)A comma-separated list of mandatory placeholders.
optPlaceholdersString(4000)A comma-separated list of optional placeholders.
tableNamesString(4000)A comma-separated list of the tables contained in the template.
stringContentString(4000)The e-mail’s or SMS’s Base64 encoded text (placeholders may be used).
binaryContentBase64BinaryContains the whole OpenOffice document.
ShareOATHResulttypeOathTypeThe authentication type of the OATH credential. Its value can be "TOTP" or "HOTP"
algorithmOathAlgorithmThe hashing algorithm used to calculate the OATH tokens. Its value can be "SHA_1", "SHA_256" and "SHA_512".
digitsIntegerThe length of the generated token.
periodLongThe amount of time (in seconds) a TOTP token is valid.
counterLongThe current state of the OATH counter.
accountStringThe account name. This will be shown in the Mobile App for User.
issuerStringThe issuer is indicating the provider or service this OATH credential is associated with.
secretStringThe secret that is required to initialize the mobile application.
qrCodeContentStringThe content of the QR code in plain string. It is the concatenation of the OATH attributes in a URL format. For example: otpauth://totp/Issuer:Account?secret=JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP&issuer=Issuer&algorithm=SHA1&digits=6
qrCodeBase64BinaryThe base64 encoded QR code image (PNG).
PasswordChangeResult (extends Credential-VerifyResult)credentialCheckStatusCredentialCheckStatusCRED_CHANGE_OK or CRED_CHANGE_REJECTED
policyInformationsList<PolicyDetail>Contains the policy settings for this particular password when the change attempt fails due to policy violations.
policyViolationsList<PolicyDetail>Contains the policy violations for a failed password change attempt.
credentialStateCredentialStateACTIVE or not set
userStateUserStateACTIVE or not set
credentialUpdatedOnSuccessbooleanTrue if the password was successfully updated or not set
PasswordPolicyCheckResultpolicyInformationsList<PolicyDetail>Contains the policy settings for this particular password when the check fails due to policy violations.
policyViolationsList<PolicyDetail>Contains the policy violations for a failed password check.

PropertyValue scopeName with onProfileForApp* properties

The purpose of the field "scopeName" is to uniquely identify the referred property of scope onProfileForApp* in context of operations such as ^createProfile, updateProfile. Therefore, it has to follow this format:

  • Full scopeName format: "name of application", "name of role", e.g., MyApp2,MyRole3
  • Short scopeName format: "name of application", e.g., MyApp2

Note that the short format is only allowed in case it is sufficient, i.e., the profile holds only one role of the referred application.

Complex history types

These types are exclusively used for the SOAP history methods.

TypeFieldType, CharacteristicsDescription
AbstractHistory(extends AbstractEntity)versionDateDateTimestamp of history entry
versionNumberintThe version of the entry(VersionNumber can be missing)
originatorStringclientName/loginID of originator
HistoryOfProfile (extends AbstractHistory)nameString(100)Profile name
extIdString, read-only, identifierExternal key
stateProfileStateState of the profile
unitUnit, one-to-oneThe unit the profile is associated with
propertiesPropertyValue[]Profile properties
defaultProfileBooleanDefines if the profile is the default profile of the user (applies if the user has more than one profile).
rolesRole[]The roles associated with the profile
modificationCommentString, write-onlyTakes a modification comment that is related to the current operation.
HistoryOfUnit (extends AbstractHistory)nameStringName of the unit
extIdString, read-only, identifierExternal key
stateUnitStateState of the unit
descriptionString, descriptionDescription
parentExtIdString, read-only, identifierExternal key of the parent unit
propertiesPropertyValue[]Unit properties
hnameString(50)Hierarchical name
profilelessBooleanDefines whether the unit can be assigned to a profile or whether it is a structural unit.
modificationCommentString, write-onlyTakes a modification comment that is related to the current operation.
policyNameString(50)Name of policy
HistoryOfUser (extends AbstractHistory)loginIdString, identifierLogin name
extIdString, identifierExternal key
stateEnum UserStateState of user
firstNameString(50)First name
remarksString, descriptionDescription
sexEnum UserSexSex of the user.
Up to WebService version 1.42, the field sex will be present in the SOAP responses.
From WebService version 1.43 on, sex will be replaced by gender.
genderEnum UserGenderGender of the user. From WebService version 1.43 on, the field gender will be included in SOAP responses. It replaces the field sex.
birthDateDateDay of birth
telephoneString(50)Phone number
telefaxString(50)Fax number
mobileString(50)Mobile number
addressLine1String(50)First address line
addressLine2String(50)Second address line
postalCodeString(10)Postal code
countryStringISO 3166 country code
propertiesPropertyValue[]List of assigned properties
languageStringISO 639 language code
templateCollectionStringName of the user‘s template collection
modificationCommentString, write-onlyTakes a modification comment that is related to the current operation.
validFromDateStart of validity period (not set means infinitely long ago)
validToDateEnd of validity period (not set means far in the future)
stateChangeReasonCdIntegerReason code of the user state change
stateChangeDetailString(1000)Details of the user state change
HistoryOfUserLoginInfo(extends AbstractHistory)lastLoginDateTimestamp of last successful login
lastFailureDateTimestamp of last failed login
HistoryOfCredential (extends AbstractHistory)stateEnum CredentialStateState of the credential, see WSDL interface for details
typeEnum Credential TypeType of the credential, see WSDL interface for details
lastChangeDateDate of last change applied to credential
validFromDateDate when the credential becomes valid
validToDateDate when the credential becomes invalid
resetCountint, ³0Number of times the credential was reset
valueString(4000)Opaque value of the credential
extIdString, read-onlyExternal credential key
propertiesPropertyValue[]Credential properties
policyNameString(50)Name of policy
stateChangeReasonCdintReason code for the last state change of the credential.
stateChangeDetailStringReason detail for the last state change of the credential.
modificationCommentString, write-onlyTakes a modification comment that is related to the current operation.
HistoryOfCredentialLoginInfo(extendsAbstractHistory)lastLoginDateTimestamp of last successful login
lastLoginFailureDateTimestamp of last failed login
failureCountintNumber of failed logins (since last successful login)
successCountintCumulated number of successful logins
HistoryOfEnterpriseRole (extends AbstractHistory)nameString(50)Name of the enterprise role
extIdString, read-only, identifierExternal key
descriptionString, descriptionDescription
clientNameString(50)The name of the client the enterprise role belongs to.
displayNameDeString(50)Display name in German
displayNameFrString(50)Display name in French
displayNameItString(50)Display name in Italian
displayNameEnString(50)Display name in English
propertiesPropertyValue[]The properties of the enterprise role
roleHistoryForEnterpriseRoleRoleMember roles of the enterprise role