nevisAdmin 4
This page contains additional information regarding the compatibility of this component. See Quarterly Releases for general Nevis compatibility information.
End of Life Dates
See Quarterly Releases.
Component and Kubernetes Platforms
nevisAdmin 4 | AKS | OpenShift | Rancher | Tanzu Kubernetes Grid |
4.5.x | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ |
4.12.6.x | ✅ 1.20 - 1.24 | ✅ 4.8 - 4.11 | ✅ 2.6 | ❌ |
4.12.8.x | ✅ 1.20 - 1.24 | ✅ 4.8 - 4.11 | ✅ 2.6 | ✅ 1.6 |
4.12.9.x | ✅ 1.21 - 1.25 | ✅ 4.8 - 4.12 | ✅ 2.6 - 2.7 | ✅ 1.6 |
4.16.x | ✅ 1.20 - 1.24 | ✅ 4.8 - 4.11 | ✅ 2.6 | ❌ |
4.17.x | ✅ 1.20 - 1.24 | ✅ 4.8 - 4.11 | ✅ 2.6 | ✅ 1.6 |
4.18.x | ✅ 1.21 - 1.25 | ✅ 4.8 - 4.12 | ✅ 2.6 - 2.7 | ✅ 1.6 |
Component and Nevis
nevisAdmin** | nevisProxy* | nevisLogRend* | nevisAuth* | nevisIDM* | nevisFIDO* | nevisMeta* | nevisDetect* | Nevis Authentication Cloud | nevisDataPorter |
4.5.x | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ |
4.12.4+ | ✅ 4.6.0+ | ✅ 1.14.0+ | ✅ 4.32.0+ | ✅ 2.82.0+ | ✅ 1.15.0+ | ✅ 1.12.0+ | experimental support | experimental support | experimental support |
4.16.x | ✅ 5.3.0+ | ✅ 1.18.0+ | ✅ 4.36.0+ | ✅ 2.86.0+ | ✅ 2.0.1+ | ✅ 1.16.0+ | experimental support | experimental support | experimental support |
4.17.x | ✅ 5.4.0+ | ✅ 1.19.0+ | ✅ 4.37.0+ | ✅ 2.87.0+ | ✅ 2.1.0+ | ✅ 1.17.0+ | experimental support | experimental support | experimental support |
4.18.x | ✅ 5.5.0+ | ✅ 1.20.0+ | ✅ 4.38.0+ | ✅ 2.88.0+ | ✅ 2.2.0+ | ✅ 1.18.0+ | experimental support | experimental support | experimental support |
- nevisAdmin 4 supports only standalone deployment of the components it manages. **) This compatibility matrix applies when using the latest version of the common pattern libraries bundled with nevisAdmin 4. When you select a different version of the libraries in project settings, compatibility will be different.
For compatibility with the Elastic Stack, see Monitoring Patterns Support Matrix in the nevisAdmin 4 Technical Documentation.
Component and Pattern Libraries
nevisAdmin 4 | Common Pattern Libraries* |
4.5.4+ LTS | ✅ 4.5.0 - 4.5.x |
4.12.x | ✅ 4.11.0 - 4.12.x |
4.15.x | ✅ 4.14.0 - 4.15.x |
4.16.x | ✅ 4.15.0 - 4.16.x |
4.17.x | ✅ 4.16.0 - 4.17.x |
4.18.x | ✅ 4.17.0 - 4.18.x |
- Consisting of the following identically-versioned libraries: nevisadmin-plugin-base-generation, nevisadmin-plugin-nevisproxy, nevisadmin-plugin-nevisauth, nevisadmin-plugin-nevisidm, nevisadmin-plugin-mobile-auth, nevisadmin-plugin-nevisdetect, nevisadmin-plugin-oauth, nevisadmin-plugin-monitoring, nevisadmin-plugin-authcloud, nevisadmin-plugin-nevisdp, nevisadmin-plugin-fido2.