This page contains additional information regarding the compatibility of this component. See Quarterly Releases for general Nevis compatibility information.
End of Life Dates
See Quarterly Releases.
Component and Java Container
nevisIDM | adnwildfly | standalone * |
2.75.x | ⚠️ Deprecated | ✅ |
2.76+ | ❌ | ✅ |
*) Only on nevisAppliance v2, RHEL7.
Component and Database
nevisIDM | MySQL* | MariaDB | Oracle |
2.75+ | ❌ | ✅ 10.3 | ✅ 11g R2, 12c R1/R2, 18c, 19c |
- OnlyInnoDBis supported, no support forNDBorMySQL Cluster technologies.
Component and Nevis
nevisIDM | nevisAuth* |
2.75.x | ✅ 4.23.0+ |
2.75.6+ | ✅ 4.25.3+ |
2.78.x | ✅ 4.23.0+ |
2.79.x+ | ✅ 4.28.0+ |
2.82.x+ | ✅ 4.32.0+ |
2.84.x+ | ✅ 4.34.0+ |
2.85.x+ | ✅ |
- Requiresnevisidmcl package to be installed on the nevisAuth server with the same version as nevisIDM.
See nevisAdmin 3 for compatibility between nevisIDM and the component.