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Version: 2.202302

2022-Q2: RR Upgrade (May 2022)

Major version

Version: 2.202205

Lifecycle dates

Minor VersionGeneral AvailabilityEnd of Full SupportEnd of Fade-Out Support
2.202205.973May 18, 2022Aug 17, 2022Nov 16, 2022
2.202205.975June 10, 2022Aug 17, 2022Nov 16, 2022

Breaking changes and required actions

The following components have breaking changes compared to the previous release, or require specific actions. For more information, see the Release Notes of each listed component.

  • nevisAuth: Migration to log4j2, some changes in features because of security issues. Groovy 3 upgrade for ScriptStates.
  • nevisLogrend: Migration to log4j2.
  • nevisDataPorter: Log4j is upgraded to 2.17.1 and Slf4j is introduced with version 1.6.4. Logging configuration file format has been changed: instead of log4j.xml, logging.yml file is needed.
  • nevisProxy: Due to a security fix, redirects starting with // or /\ url-encode the second slash to avoid a redirect to a malicious page.
  • nevisProxy: Due to systemd limitations, the directories of an instance have to belong to the User configured in the systemd configuration file: /usr/lib/systemd/system/[email protected]. On a newly installed nevisproxy package, the value is set to root.
  • nevisIdm: The Spring dependency is updated to 5.3.19. As a result, the Quartz scheduler of the batch jobs has to be configured with the class org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.LocalDataSourceJobStore instead of org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.JobStoreTX.

Every RR (minor and major) may contain breaking changes. See the release notes of the component you are upgrading. You should always stay up to date on the RR branch. If there are multiple releases between your current version and the version you are upgrading to, see the release notes of each version.

Component versions

The following versions are part of this release. All of them are under Full Support until the next RR upgrade becomes available.

ComponentArtifact nameVersion**RHEL 6*RHEL 7*RHEL 8*SLES 11*SLES 12*SLES 15*
nevisApplianceneviscd22.202205.973 2.202205.975n/an/an/an/a
nevisAdmin 4nevisadmin44.15.0.10
nevisDetectnevisdetect nevisdetectcl nevisadapt1.11.0.6
nevisIDMnevisidm nevisidmcl nevisidmdb adnooprint2.85.0.2301361554

*) Tested with the latest available patch level.

**) Versions in bold changed compared to the previous quarterly release.

Third-party dependencies

The following third-party software is often used by Nevis components. Some of the software is included with nevisAppliance.

Below you find the latest supported versions.

Third-Party SoftwareVersion
JVM (OpenJDK)✅ 1.8.0u332 ❌ 1.8.0u292+
MariaDB✅ 10.3
Kubernetes✅ 1.23

Mobile Apps

Mobile apps and the Mobile SDK are released independently of the quarterly releases. Refer to the following pages:

  • Nevis Mobile Authentication Client SDK
  • Nevis Access App