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Version: 2.202302

2022-Q4: RR Upgrade (November 2022)

Major version

Version: 2.202211

Lifecycle dates

Minor VersionGeneral AvailabilityEnd of Full SupportEnd of Fade-Out Support
2.202211.1021Dec 7 2022Feb 14, 2023May 16, 2023
2.202211.1019Nov 16 2022Feb 14, 2023May 16, 2023

Breaking changes and required actions

The following components have breaking changes compared to the previous release, or require specific actions. For more information, see the Release Notes of each listed component.

  • nevisAdmin 4: The pattern key-value property is changed to separate key-value fields, and no longer supports separators, that is = , : , ->. If the legacy property already contains a value, you have to migrate it to a new format.
  • nevisAuth: multiple deprecated AuthStates were removed.
  • nevisProxy: As of now, mod_qos works for the hypertext transfer protocol version 1.0 and 1.1 only. If you decide to use HTTP/2, use only the request level control directives of mod_qos.
  • nevisProxy: The UrlEncryptionFilter now provides secure default values. This change makes your UrlEncryptionFilters more secure, at the risk of generating some false positive results, and blocking some requests that should be authorized.
  • nevisProxy: Changed the redirections of relative URL-s to only contain the URL's path when ch.nevis.navajo.response.Location.rfc2616compliant is false.

Every RR (minor and major) may contain breaking changes. See the release notes of the component you are upgrading. You should always stay up to date on the RR branch. If there are multiple releases between your current version and the version you are upgrading to, consult the release notes of each version.

Component versions

The following versions are part of this release. All of them are under Full Support until the next RR upgrade becomes available.

ComponentArtifact nameVersion**RHEL 6*RHEL 7*RHEL 8*SLES 11*SLES 12*SLES 15*
nevisApplianceneviscd22.202211.1021 2.202211.1019n/an/an/an/a
nevisAdmin 4nevisadmin44.17.0.14
nevisDetectnevisdetect nevisdetectcl nevisadapt1.13.0.1****
nevisIDMnevisidm nevisidmcl nevisidmdb adnooprint2.87.1.3581212047

*) Tested with the latest available patch level.

**) Versions in bold changed compared to the previous quarterly release.

Third-party dependencies

The following third-party software is often used by Nevis components. Some of the software is included with nevisAppliance.

Below you find the latest supported versions.

Third-Party SoftwareVersion
JVM (OpenJDK)✅ 1.8.0u352-b08 ❌ 1.8.0u292+
MariaDB✅ 10.3
Kubernetes✅ 1.24

Mobile Apps

Mobile apps and the Mobile SDK are released independently of the quarterly releases. Refer to the following pages:

  • Nevis Mobile Authentication Client SDK
  • Nevis Access App