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Version: 8.2405.x.x RR

Long Term Support (LTS21)

The Nevis LTS21 lifecycle model follows a fixed release cycle. New features are held back until a new major LTS21 release version is available, after a predefined and fixed period of time. To ensure highest security at all times, security patches and functional bug fixes are released more frequently.

LTS21 release lifecycle

You most likely want to choose the LTS lifecycle model if you favor stability over the newest and latest features.

Lifecycle periods

Each major version of a Long Term Support release consists of three support periods: Full Support, Maintenance Support and Extended Life Support. Additionally, we provide three months of Production Support followed by ten months of Fade-Out Support for each minor LTS version. This means that you have to update at least once a year to stay supported.

Example: You install the minor LTS version released in November 2020. You skip the next three minor releases. When the November 2021 version is released, you update directly to this version. Perform this update within one month.

Major Version Lifecycle Periods

Full Support

During the Full Support stage, Nevis proactively releases minor updates every three months, to improve the stability and performance of the platform and to address security vulnerabilities. Additionally, customers are entitled to receive technical support. There are no software enhancements nor additions of new functionality.

We recommend updating to each minor version as soon as it is released.

At the end of the Full Support period, a new major LTS version is released. We recommend upgrading to this new major version within six months after it is released.

Access to software artifacts During the Full Support stage, customers have access to software artifacts on our Customer Portal.

Maintenance Support

The Maintenance Support stage starts as soon as the new major LTS version (LTS+1) is available. In this third year of the LTS lifecycle, we still proactively provide regular security fixes, addressing stability and security vulnerabilities. Additionally, customers are still eligible for technical support. However, we discourage from starting any new projects at this stage.

At the end of the Maintenance Support period, security and functional fixes as well as technical support and access to software artifacts will be halted. By now, you should be upgraded to the latest major LTS version (LTS+1). Only if you have bought a special contract for Extended Life Support you will be able to extend the product life by another year.

Access to software artifacts During the Maintenance Support stage, customers have access to software artifacts on our Customer Portal.

Extended Life Support (ELS)

If your environment requires more than a year to upgrade to a new major LTS version, we offer an LTS Extended Life Support contract. If you have this contract, you are eligible for another year of security fixes and technical support. However, the security fixes are no longer released every three months but only on a critical need basis.

We strongly discourage from starting new projects with the software during this year.

At the end of the fourth year of the software lifecycle, Nevis will no longer provide any security or functional fixes, nor technical support. The product lifecycle is over.

Access to software artifacts During the Extended Life Support stage, we will only provide access to software artifacts on our Customer Portal on demand.

Overview of lifecycle periods and detailed support elements

The next table shows the Nevis services, including support and software maintenance, during each stage of the Nevis LTS lifecycle.

DescriptionFull supportMaintenence supportExtended life support
Release FrequencyQuarterlyQuarterlyNone (only on critical need basis)
New Features [1]NoNoNo
Functional Fixes [2]YesNoNo
Security Fixes [3]YesYesOnly with ELS contract
Technical Support [4]YesYesOnly with ELS contract
Delivery Mode (updated software artifacts like nevisAppliance, RPMs, Docker Images and documentation)ProactiveProactiveOn demand
Allowed for new projectsYesNoNo
Access to software artifacts on our Customer PortalYesYesOn demand

[1] Software enhancements are additions to functionality beyond correcting defects.

[2] As a temporary measure, Nevis Security may choose to address critical issues that significantly impact customer business with a workaround, while the functional fix is being prepared.

[3] Refer to "Issue Risk Assessment" in the Security Bulletins for more details.

[4] Technical Support access depends on the Service Level included in your Nevis support contract.

Minor Version Lifecycle Periods

Production Support

The Production Support stage starts as soon as a new minor LTS version is released and normally lasts 3 months*. Production Support includes all the support features that come with the major lifecycle phase the minor version is part of (see the section "Overview of lifecycle periods and detailed support elements" above).

Example: The major LTS version of my component is in the Maintenance Support period. In May 2022, a minor version update is released. Production Support for this minor version includes security fixes and eligibility for technical support and lasts 3 months, until the August 2022 minor version update is released.

Fade-Out Support

The Fade-Out Support period starts as soon as the newest minor LTS version is available and normally lasts 10 months*. During the Fade-Out Support stage of a minor version, you are still entitled to receive technical support. However, you cannot claim any other support feature that comes with the lifecycle stage of the major version of your component.

Example 1: It is August 2021 and a new minor version update is released for my component. I am still using the May 2021 minor version. My version is now under Fade-Out Support, which includes technical support only, for 10 months (until June 2022).

Example 2: In November 2021, the lifecycle period of my component changed from Full Support to Maintenance Support. Now, it is May 2022 and a new minor version update is released for my component. I am still using the February 2022 minor version. From this moment on, my version is under Fade-Out Support, which includes technical support only and lasts six months (until November 2022). If I would have an Extended Life Support contract, the total duration of the Fade-Out Support for my version is extended to 10 months (until March 2023).

*) Production or Fade-Out Support never extends beyond the end of Maintenance Support (or Extended Life Support, if you have such a contract).

Provisional dates of future releases

The following table gives an overview of the provisional release dates for Long Term Support versions. All future dates are close approximations, non-definitive and subject to change.

Security patches and bug fixes are released quarterly mid/end February, May, August and November of each year. Be aware that security patches and bug fixes are always built upon the latest minor version.

Major versions

NameMajor VersionGeneral AvailabilityEnd of Full SupportEnd of Maintenance SupportEnd of Extended Life Support
LTS-20212.202111.x LTSNovember 17, 2021May 15, 2024 *)November 13, 2024November 12, 2025
LTS-20247.2405.0.x LTSMay 15, 2024May 21, 2026May 20, 2027n/a

*) The long-term support life cycle is adapted for the upgrade from Java 8 to Java 17. For more information, see Java 17 Long-Term Support.