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Version: 3.14.x.x LTS

SecToken object methods

MethodDescriptionSample a SecToken, based on the content of the XML string passed as parameter.sectoken ="isiwebsectoken"))
sectoken:getVersion()Returns the version of the SecToken as a string.version = sectoken:getVersion()
sectoken:getAlgorithm()Returns the algorithm of the SecToken.local algorithm = sectoken:getAlgorithm()
sectoken:getUserId()Returns the user ID of the SecToken as a stringlocal userId = sectoken:getUserId()
sectoken:getUserRoles()Returns the user roles of the SecToken as a string.userRoles = sectoken:getUserRoles()
sectoken:getSessionId()Returns the session ID of the SecToken as a string.local sessionId = sectoken:getSessionId()
sectoken:getEntryId()Returns the entry ID of the SecToken as a string.local entryId = sectoken:getEntryId()
sectoken:getEsAuthId()Returns the EsAuth ID of the SecToken as a string.local esauthId = sectoken:getEsAuthId()
sectoken:getClientId()Returns the client ID of the SecToken as a string.local clientId = sectoken:getClientId()
sectoken:getAuthStrength()Returns the authentication strength of the SecToken as a string.local authStrength = sectoken:getAuthStrength()
sectoken:getDomain()Returns the domain of the SecToken as a string.local domain = sectoken:getDomain()