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Version: 7.2405.x.x LTS


The next table lists all error codes related to the Http[s]ConnectorServlet.

HTTP0001unknown hostCheck your configuration (in the web.xml file).
0002URLResource_1_0::_cleanup failedContact support.
0003could not find all parameters to normalizeCheck your configuration (in the web.xml file).
0004SSLConnection_1_0::_cleanup failed while closing the ssl-socketContact support.
0005SSLConnection_1_0::_cleanup failed while closing the plain-socketContact support.
0006received HTTP status code 407 (proxy authentication required) from outbound proxyThe configured outbound proxy sent HTTP status code 407 (proxy authentication required). Hint: Check the parameters OutboundProxy and OutboundProxyAuthorization of the Http[s]ConnectorServlet.
0007received unknown HTTP status code from outbound proxy. assuming errorThe configured outbound proxy sent an unsupported HTTP status code. Check the configuration of the parameter OutboundProxy of the Http[s]ConnectorServlet.
0008connection to <IP>:<port> from local port: <port> failed (<details>). HINT: check the init-params InetAddress, SSLProtocol, SSLCipherSuites, SSLCACertificateFile, SSLCheckPeerHostname, SSLClientCertificateFile, OutboundProxy, and OutboundProxyAuthorization (if applicable) for this Http(s)ConnectorServletCheck your configuration. Check if your backend is up and running.
0009connection failed.Check the log file for further details. Check if your backend is up and running.
0010file is empty, but at least one server should be configured.Check your configuration.
0011can't parse address '%s'. Expected '<host \| inetaddr>:<port>' for ipv4 or '<host>:<port>' for ipv6.Check your configuration.
0012could not normalize Hostname.Check your configuration.
0013could not fully normalize Hostname.Check your configuration.
0014no entry for name (via key) found.Check the log file for more information. Check that at least one backend is up and running.
0015no entry for name (via state) found.Check the log file for more information. Check that at least one backend is up and running.
0016received HTTP status code from outbound proxy. Assuming destination host is not availableMake sure that the configured outbound proxy (parameter OutboundProxy) is up and running.
0017PlainConnection_1_0::_cleanup failedContact support.
0018parsing timeout/max failedThe backend sent an unknown Keep-Alive header.
0019connection failed. HINT: check the init-param 'InetAddress' or 'OutboundProxy' (if applicable) for this Http(s)ConnectorServletCheck your configuration. Make sure that the backend is up and running.
0020connection failed.Check the log file for further details. Check if your backend is up and running.
0021an unexpected exception occurredContact support. The logout URI will not be called anymore.
0022an unknown exception occurredContact support. The logout URI will not be called anymore.
0023HttpsConnectorServlet_1_0::_cleanup failedContact support.
0024configuring 'SSLClientKeyFile' requires also 'SSLClientCertificateFile'Check your configuration (in the web.xml file).
0025dynamic client certificates (SSLDynamicClientCertificate=true) and a static client certificate (SSLClientCertificateFile) not supportedCheck your configuration (in the web.xml file).
0026dynamic client certificates (SSLDynamicClientCertificate=true) and SSL caching (SSLCache=on) is not supportedCheck your configuration (in the web.xml file).
0027SSL caching per session (SSLCache=session) and connection pooling (KeepAlive=true) is not supported without KeepAlive.ByClientCheck your configuration (in the web.xml file).
0028dynamic client certificates and connection pooling (KeepAlive=true) only supported if 'KeepAlive.ByClient=true' is setCheck your configuration (in the web.xml file).
0029SSL caching per session (SSLCache=on) and connection pooling by client (KeepAlive.ByClient=true) is not supportedCheck your configuration (in the web.xml file).
0030creating an ssl-connection failedCheck the log file for further details. Check if the backend is up and running.
0031get private key failedCheck the log file for further details. Check your SSL certificates and keys.
0032get certificate failedcheck the log file for further details. Check your SSL certificates and keys.
0033key not foundCheck the log file for further details. Contact support.
0034decoding failedCheck the log file for further details. Contact support.
0035HttpConnectorServlet_1_0::_cleanup failedContact support.
0036can not try loadbalancing with only one configured serverCheck your configuration (in the web.xml file). At least two backends must be configured for load balancing.
0037you can configure exactly one dynamic InetAddressCheck your configuration (in the web.xml file).
0038couldn't instantiate watchServlet configurationCheck your configuration (in the web.xml file). Also check the log file for further details.
0039couldn't instantiate watchServletCheck your configuration (in the web.xml file). Also check the log file for further details.
0040invalid config: AwaitingResponse ='false' and KeepAlive='true' not possibleCheck your configuration (in the web.xml file).
0041unknown OutboundProxyCheck your configuration (in the web.xml file).
0042removing session provider implementation failedContact support.
0043response already commitedContact support.
0044method not allowedThe HTTP method received from the frontend is not allowed. You can add the method to the parameter AllowedMethods of the HttpConnectorServlet.
0045HttpConnectorServlet_1_0::handleRequest failed (HttpException)Contact support.
0046HttpConnectorServlet_1_0::handleRequest failed (IOException)Contact support.
0047Your backend seems to have performance problems or has very long lasting transactions. You may need to set/raise the init-param 'RequestTimeout' for this Http(s)ConnectorServletCheck your backend.
0048HttpConnectorServlet_1_0::handleRequest failed (BadRequestException)The frontend sent an invalid request. Check the log file for further details.
0051Can't store state into sessionContact support.
0052could not create Cookie from stateCheck the log file for further details. The backend may not receive the stored cookies.
0053unknown pathCheck the log file for further details. The backend may not receive the stored cookies.
0054IOException caught during read. HINT: the content provider has problems sending the response, you should inform the application ownerCheck the log file for further details. The backend may have closed the connection while the proxy was reading the body, or sent an invalid response the proxy could not parse (for example, a normal response with chunked transfer encoding).
0055incomplete responseCheck log for further details. The backend did not send the whole body.
0057illegal providerNameContact support.
0058state not of type HttpConnectorStateContact support.
0059upstream server not availableAll backends seem to be down while trying to call them with the logout URI.
0060upstream server failedOne backend sent an error while sending the logout URI, and no other backend is available. Check the log file for further details.
0061HttpConnectorServlet_1_0::logout failedContact support.
0062gmtime_r failedContact support.
0063port missingCheck your configuration (in the web.xml file).
0064dynamic addresses are not supported for this servletCheck your configuration (in the web.xml file).
0065calling 'retry' failedOnly one backend is configured; a retry call failed. Make sure that the backend is up and running.
0066no entry for name found (StatelessResourceManager)Check your configuration (in the web.xml file).
0067primary entry= not valid, retry failedMake sure that the backend is up and running.
0068looped too many times over resources without getting a valid oneMake sure that at least one of the configured backends is up and running.
0069no entry for name found (SessionResourceManager)Check your configuration (in the web.xml file).
0070single entry is not valid (the backend is down)Only one backend is configured, which was previously marked as being down and which you still cannot use. This is because the retry timeout period (retryTimeout) has not expired yet. Check in the navajo.log file why the backend was marked as "down".
0071no valid entry foundMake sure that at least one of the configured backends is up and running.
0072entry not valid, retry failedMake sure that at least one of the configured backends is up and running.
0073invalid paramCheck your configuration (in the web.xml file).
0074system::LibManager::openGlobal() failedContact support.
0075Exception caughtContact support.
0076entry already containedContact support.
0077calling 'resolve' failedCheck your configuration (in the web.xml file). The configured hostname cannot be resolved.
0078IOException caught during read, websocket connection will be closedThe WebSocket backend sent an error. Check the log file for further details.
0079reading the websocket stream failedThe WebSocket backend may have closed the connection. Check the log file for further details.
0081Poll not supported because there is a filter which doesn't support it in the chainThe parameter Poll of the Http[s]ConnectorServlet can only be "true", if all filters in the chain support simple streaming behavior. If you get this error message, there must be one or more filters in the chain that do not support simple streaming behavior, like, for example, the LuaFilter, the InflateFilter, the DeflateFilter, etc.
0082Enabling SSLCheckPeerHostname also requires setting SSLCACertificateFile.As the peer hostname check does some additional certificate validation, it requires setting the CA of the peer certificate file. Set the SSLCACertificateFile for the corresponding HttpsConnectorServlet, or enable the previous hostname check behavior via the flag.
0083The following error occurred: <cause of error> The parameter'CheckForMultipleIpAddresses will be ignoredAn error when using the parameter CheckForMultipleIpAddresses on the Http[s]ConnectorServlet occurred. Consequently, the value of the parameter CheckForMultipleIpAddresses is ignored. For more information, see the log.
0084The connection to a backend failed due to a timeout.Check whether the backend has performance issues, and increase the parameter 'ConnectTimeout' of the HttpConnectorServlet.
0085The connection to a SSL-backend failed due to a timeoutCheck whether the backend has performance issues, and increase the parameter 'ConnectTimeout' of the HttpsConnectorServlet.