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Version: 7.2405.x.x LTS


The SessionManagementFilter is part of the Dynamic Session Management Engine, also called Dynamic Session Engine or Dynamic Session Management. With the Dynamic Session Engine, the creation and handling of sessions happens on filter chain level. Thus, it is possible to set different session management rules for different applications and/or types of user requests. This leads to a more flexible way of session handling and makes it possible to deal with certain undesirable Web2.0 patterns such as unnecessary background requests and updates. For more information on the Dynamic Session Management Engine, see the chapter Dynamic Session Management Engine.

If a session is needed, it is the SessionManagementFilter that defines the method of session binding (mostly by means of cookies) and creates as well as handles the session. Session store servlets are responsible for storing and loading the session data.

Depending on the required storage technology, the SessionManagementFilter calls for a different session store servlet. Currently, nevisProxy supports:

  • the local storage of a session via the LocalSessionStoreServlet;
  • the remote session storage in a MariaDB database by means of the MySQLSessionStoreServlet;
  • and the combination of a local and a remote storage with the MultiLevelSessionStoreServlet.

To reduce the risk of unintended session overwrite, the SessionManagementFilter utilizes a mutex mechanism. On the parameter level, nevisProxy checks whether a faster request within the same session has already updated the parameter in the session store. If this is the case, the slower request does not overwrite the data.




  • Type: string
  • Usage Constraints: required
  • Sets the session store servlet that stores the session data. The SessionManagementFilter uses the name of the session store servlet to contact the session store.


  • Type: enum
  • Possible values: cookie, custom
  • Usage Constraints: required
  • Defines the method of session binding. Depending on the session type, you may have to set other parameters.


  • Type: integer (seconds)
  • Usage Constraints: optional
  • Use this parameter to override the MaxInactiveInterval parameter in the SessionStoreServlet. This allows you to flexibly change the timeout for different locations. Be aware that this timeout can be overwritten by:
    • the IdentityCreationFilter via the parameter InactiveInterval
    • the LuaFilter via the expression session:setInactiveTimeout(timeout)
    • nevisAuth, for specific sessions


  • Type: integer (seconds)
  • Usage Constraints: optional
  • You can use this parameter to override the maximum lifetime of the session set in the underlying servlet. This allows you to flexibly change the timeout for different locations. Be aware that this timeout can be overwritten by:
    • the IdentityCreationFilter via the parameter MaxLifetime
    • the SecurityRoleFilter via the parameter MaxLifetime, and
    • the LuaFilter via the session object method session:setMaxLifetime(timeout)

Note, that this parameter only works together with the dynamic session management. If you use it in connection with the legacy session management, the system will throw an error [NVCT-0015].


  • Type: boolean
  • Usage Constraints: optional, conditional
  • Supported Pragmas: break only, no continue
  • Default: true
  • Sets whether to update the time stamp of the session. The time stamp is updated when we read the session, provided that UpdateTimeStamp is true and the number of seconds configured by UpdateTimeStampMinInterval have passed since the last update.


  • Type: integer (seconds)

  • Usage Constraints: min: 0, max: 3600

  • Default: 60

  • This parameter sets the minimum time interval between two updates of the session timestamp, in seconds. If the parameter is set to "0", the system will update the session timestamp each time a request accesses a session.

    Be aware that in a worst case scenario the maximum inactive timeout may be reduced by the value you configure here. For example if you have an inactive timeout of 10 minutes and an UpdateTimeStampMinInterval of 1 minute the real inactive interval will be between 9 and 10 minutes. If the UpdateTimeStampMinInterval is bigger than the configured MaxInactiveInterval, the session time stamp is never updated again and the session is invalidated when MaxInactiveInterval seconds passed since the last timestamp update.

    Therefore make sure that the UpdateTimeStampMinInterval is always less than the minimal inactive interval that can be set.


  • Type: new-line separated list of rules
  • Usage Constraints: optional, conditional
  • Syntax: AUTH|ENV|CONST|PARAM|HEADER:<attribute_name>:block|invalidate|reauth
  • Configures a set of rules on which attributes must not change in the same session.
    • block: The request will be blocked and 403 (Forbidden) will be returned.
    • invalidate: The session will be invalidated and a new one will be created.
    • reauth: The session is reauthenticated with an IdentityCreationFilter. When there are multiple filters capable of invoking the reauthentication, only the first one is triggered.


  • Type: new-line separated list of parameter names
  • Usage Constraints: optional, experimental
  • This parameter defines the names of the attribute stored into a session, regardless of whether another instance modified the same attribute in the meantime.


  • Type: string
  • Usage Constraints: required for cookie identification
  • Sets the name of the cookie that is sent to the client.


  • Type: boolean

  • Usage Constraints: optional

  • Default: true

  • Sets whether to send the cookie as HttpOnly to the client.

    Be aware that the HttpOnly flag might be overwritten by Navajo. For details, refer to the attribute cookieHttpOnly in the table: UserAgent attributes.


  • Type: string
  • Usage Constraints: optional
  • Sets the domain of the cookie that is sent to the client.


  • Type: string
  • Usage Constraints: optional
  • Default: /
  • Sets the path of the cookie that is sent to the client.


  • Type: boolean
  • Usage Constraints: optional
  • Default: true
  • Sets whether the cookie has a secure flag.


  • Type: new-line separated list
  • Usage Constraints: optional
  • Syntax: <name>[:<value>]
  • Makes it possible to add extra cookie attributes.


  • Type: boolean
  • Usage Constraints: optional
  • Default: false
  • If this attribute is set to true, the Expires and Max-Age parameters will be set for the session cookie.


  • Type: integer

  • Usage Constraints: optional, advanced, conditional

  • Supported Pragmas: break only, no continue

  • Example: 401

  • Defines a status code, which will be sent if a session cookie does not point to a valid session.

    If you have two locations, an active location and a passive location and switch from the active to the passive location, a huge amount of requests will then arrive and all will get an anonymous session as soon as they trigger the login process. This can then lead to a session store overflow.

    Important: If you map en ErrorFilter between this filter and the frontend, you have to set propagateHeader of the ErrorFilter to true, otherwise you risk that the invalid cookie will never be removed and no login is possible anymore.


  • Type: integer
  • Usage Constraints: optional, min: 0, max: 10
  • Configures the number of seconds that a cookie is to be valid after renegotiated with a new one, for example, due to a successful login. Increasing the value can help minimize the chance of session loss during a login or step-up with parallel request.


  • Type: string
  • Usage Constraints: required for custom identification
  • Syntax: <SRC>:<VAR>[;<SRC>:<VAR>...]..
  • List of attributes needed to calculate the Hash for the Session ID. Source can be: AUTH|ENV|CONST|PARAM|HEADER.


  • Type: string
  • Usage Constraints: optional, advanced
  • Syntax: <SRC>:<VAR>[;<SRC>:<VAR>...]..
  • List of attributes needed to calculate the Hash for the Session ID. Source can be: AUTH|ENV|CONST|PARAM|HEADER


  • Type: enum
  • Possible values: abort, skip, response
  • Usage Constraints: advanced
  • Default: abort
  • Defines what to do if at least one of the Custom.RequiredIdentifiers is missing:
    • Abort: Abort the request and return an error code.
    • Skip: Skip the calculation of the HashKey and continue without a custom session.
    • Response: Wait for the response of the backend to build the identifier, if not all identifiers have been found before calling the backend.


  • Type: boolean
  • Usage Constraints: optional
  • Default: false
  • If set to true, the custom session will be bound to the parent session. It means, that if the parent session is invalidated, all custom sessions bound to it will be invalidated as well. However, a child session can be invalidated independently of the parent session. If no parent session can be found, a new parent session will be created.


  • Type: integer

  • Usage Constraints: optional, advanced, min: 1, max: 100

  • Defines the maximal number of custom sessions that the parent may have. If the limit is reached, the oldest (by access time) will be invalidated. Be aware that if you set the limit to more than 10, the performance may decrease. So you better configure custom sessions with a low inactive timeout.

    Will only be evaluated if Custom.BindToParentSession is true.


  • Type: boolean
  • Usage Constraints: optional, advanced
  • Default: false
  • If set to true, the custom session will inherit the attributes from the parent session but will save changes in its own session.

Will only be evaluated if Custom.BindToParentSession is true.

Custom-based SessionManagementFilter

The sample below shows a SessionManagementFilter that applies custom identification. It creates or retrieves a session using the ID specified in the header field User-Session-Id:



Logging the session storage statistics

If you want to display session store statistics with the Dynamic Session Engine, you need to configure the file as follows:

  • In the file, set the property BC.Tracer.DebugProfile.NPReaperOp to "1":


The system will then write statistical information about the used session store solution into the navajo.log log file. In the nevisProxy software delivery package, the above property is enabled by default. For more information on trace groups and tracing properties in the file, see the chapter: Debugging.