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Management Endpoints


The management feature described in this section are experimental and can change in future releases.

nevisFIDO provides two management endpoints that you can use to detect the current state of the instance. These can for example be used to integrate with Kubernetes container probes.

Liveness Endpoint

The liveness endpoint informs whether the server is up and running. Note that the server can be up and running but not ready to propertly handle requests (for instance because of a misconfiguration). The endpoint is accessible via the management port. You configure this port with the management.server.port property as described in the server configuration properties. Currently only HTTP is supported.

The following table describes the HTTP API of the liveness endpoint:

Default URLhttp://hostname:9089/nevisfido/liveness
Request HTTP methodGET
Response content-typeapplication/vnd.spring-boot.actuator.v2+json
Response body if nevisFIDO is alive{ "status" : "UP" }
HTTP status code if nevisFIDO is alive200 (OK)

Readiness Endpoint

The readiness endpoint informs whether the server is ready to handle requests. The endpoint is accessible via the management port. You configure this port with the management.server.port property as described in the server configuration properties. Currently only HTTP is supported.

The following table describes the HTTP API of the readiness endpoint:

Default URLhttp://hostname:9089/nevisfido/health
Request HTTP methodGET
Response content-typeapplication/vnd.spring-boot.actuator.v2+json
Response body if nevisFIDO is ready{ "status" : "UP" }
HTTP status code if nevisFIDO is ready200 (OK)
Response body if nevisFIDO is not ready{ "status" : "DOWN" }
HTTP status code if nevisFIDO is not ready503 (Service Unavailable)