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Version: 3.9.x.x RR (Android, iOS, Flutter)/ 3.10.x.x RR (React Native)

Nevis Mobile Authentication SDK Nevis Mobile Authentication SDK

Using the Nevis Mobile Authentication SDK, you can integrate FIDO UAF 1.1-based authentication in your mobile application. We provide integrations for the following platforms and frameworks:

Android iOS Swift iOS Objective-C Flutter React Native

Follow the links for previous Rolling Release versions:

Where to begin?

Once you went through the Quickstart, the Developer Guide gives you additional information on how to use the SDK in your own application. For an even deeper dive, see the Concept documentation.

  • The Feature overview provides you with a high level list of features our SDK offers.
  • The Quickstart describes how to build and use our example application featuring the SDK, and provides you with the fastest way to have an up and running application demonstrating possible use cases.
  • The Developer Guide provides information on how to use the SDK in your own application.
  • The Concept provides information on how FIDO UAF 1.1 works in combination with the Nevis components, as well as providing a detailed description of the SDK use cases and integration scenarios.
  • The Integration scenarios provide you with information outlining how you can integrate your app with either the Nevis Authentication Cloud or the Identity Suite using the different communication channels.
  • The API Reference contains links to the SDK API of the different platforms. It is always worth reading the detailed API documentation.
  • If you are migrating from older SDK versions, see Android Migration from 2.x.x and iOS Migration from 2.x.x.