Push Support
The Nevis Access App supports push notifications as an authentication and transaction confirmation channel. The Authentication Cloud and Identity Suite both use Google Firebase Cloud Messaging for push notification support.
- If you are using the Authentication cloud, you can choose between Nevis-managed Google Firebase or Self-managed Google Firebase.
- If you are using the Identity Suite, refer to the Self-managed Google Firebase section.
Use our support portal to provide us with the necessary information.
Nevis-managed Google Firebase
Nevis will prepare and manage the Firebase project for you. To set up Firebase Cloud Messaging, we will require some app-related information.
For the Android app, we need to know your app identifier which you likely already have provided us as part of your app order.
For the iOS app, Firebase Cloud Messaging will forward the push messages to the Apple Push Messaging Service. This requires providing us with APNs specific information:
Apple Bundle ID
Example Bundle IDch.nevis.accessapp
Team ID
The team id is part of your Apple developer account information. You'll be able to find this in your Membership details.
Example Team IDA1BCDE234F
Key ID
The key id is managed in the Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles section of your Apple developer account. If it does not exist yet, create one by adding a new key and selecting Apple Push Notifications service (APNs).
Example Key IDABCD12EF34
APNs Key
The APNs key is a file generated when creating a new APNs key, it has the following format
AuthKey_<key id>.p8
.Highly sensitive information- Keep this file safe, you can only download it once.
- Do not share this key with Nevis via support ticket or E-Mail. We will provide you a secure file share to obtain the key from you.
Self-managed Google Firebase
Follow the official documentation to prepare your firebase project and apps. You are fully responsible for creating, configuring and managing the Firebase project.
For the Authentication Cloud provide us with the Google Service Account .json file needed for the backend to authenticate to Google Firebase.
As the app flavors share the same app identifier, we recommend using the same Firebase project for both flavors. Nevis "duplicates" the config files for the respective app flavors integration and production.
There may be scenarios where you might not want to use the same Firebase project for both flavors, and thus using a different Firebase configuration (project) for the integration and production system. In these cases, Nevis requires the push configuration for each of the Firebase projects respectively. The push configurations still need to use the same app identifier in this scenario.