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Version: 8.2411.x.x RR

History operations

History operations allow to query historical information of nevisIDM entities, i.e., how the entity and its attributes have changed. Every operation applied to an entity is returned, specifying also the actor (who performed the operation), the timestamp of the operation, the version number of the entity, as well as the type of operation (created, modified, deleted). All history operations support optional paging. You can therefore set the numRecords and skipRecords property. Note that in the special case where the query matches multiple logical entities (for example getting the history by extIdof a user whose extId has been reused), each one of them will be paged individually.

In contrast to all other methods, the data room restrictions are not enforced on the history operations. A user that has the right to retrieve information from the history operations will be able to retrieve the information from any user within the same client. For this reason, only the roles root, soapTechAccess and soapTechAccessReadOnly are authorized by default to use the history methods.

History OpsgetHistoryOfUser(User u)Returns the historical information of a user object.
Notes and requirements: the user‘s extId or loginId.
Returns: history entries of the user object the extId of all profiles the user possessed the extId of all credentials the user possessed
getHistoryOfUserInfo(String userExtId)Returns the historical information of a user‘s login attempts.
Notes and requirements: the user‘s extId.
Returns: The history entries of the user‘s login information
getHistoryOfProfile(Profile p)Returns the historical information of a profile object.
Notes and requirements: the profile‘s extId.
Returns: history entries of the profile object *the extId of all authorizations that have been assigned to the profile.
Limitation: The nevisIDM data rooms are never returned.
getHistoryOfCredential(Credential c)Returns the historical information of a credential object.
Notes and requirements: the credential‘s extId.
Returns: The history entries of the credential object
getHistoryOfCredentialLoginInfo(String credentialExtId)Returns the historical information of a user‘s login attempts with a certain credential.
Notes and requirements: the credential‘s extId.
Returns: The history entries of the credential login information
getHistoryOfUnit(Unit unit)Returns the historical information of a unit.
Notes and requirements: the unit’s extid.
Returns: The history entries of the unit.
getHistoryOfRole(Role r)Returns the historical information of a role.
Notes and requirements: the role’s extid.
Returns: The history entries of the role.
getHistoryOfApplication(Application a)Returns the historical information of an application.
Notes and requirements: the application’s extid.
Returns: The history entries of the application.
getHistoryOfClient(Client c)Returns the historical information of a client.
Notes and requirements: the client’s extid.
Returns: The history entries of the client.
getHistoryOfAuthorization(Profile p, Role r)Returns the historical information of an authorization.
Notes and requirements: the profile’s extid, the role’s extid.
Returns: The history entries of the authorization.
getHistoryOfEnterpriseRole(EnterpriseRole er)Returns the historical information of an enterprise role.
Notes and requirements: The enterprise role’s external key (extId).
Returns: The history entries of the enterprise role.