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Version: 2.82.x.x LTS


If credentialDetailLevel is set, the response can contain the following information:

  • EXCLUDE: No credential information is returned.
  • LOW:
    • userExtId
    • state
    • type
    • extId
    • userExtId
    • state
    • type
    • lastLogin
    • lastLoginFailure
    • lastChange
    • validFrom
    • validTo
    • failureCount
    • successCount
    • resetCount
    • value
    • context
    • extId
    • policyName
    • policyExtId
    • stateChangeReasonCd
    • stateChangeDetail
    • name
    • autoTransitionState
    • autoTransitionDate
    • certificate (if certificateDetailLevel is not set to EXCLUDE)
      • credentialExtId
      • state
      • subjectDn
      • (userExtId
      • shaFingerprint
      • certificate
      • serial
      • issuerDn
      • subjectKeyIdentifier) if certificateDetailLevel is set at least to MEDIUM
      • (ctlCreUid
      • ctlCreDat
      • ctlModUid
      • ctlModDat
      • ctlTcn) if certificateDetailLevel is set to HIGH
    • mobileSignature (if mobileSignatureDetailLevel is not set to EXCLUDE)
      • userExtId
      • credentialExtId
      • state
      • (identificator
      • msspIdentifier
      • msisdn
      • signerCert) if mobileSignatureDetailLevel is set at least to MEDIUM
      • (ctlCreUid
      • ctlCreDat
      • ctlModUid
      • ctlModDat
      • ctlTcn) if mobileSignatureDetailLevel is set to HIGH
    • samlFederation (if samlFederationDetailLevel is not set to EXCLUDE)
      • userExtId
      • credentialExtId
      • state
      • (subjectNameId
      • subjectNameIdFormat
      • issuerNameId
      • issuerNameIdFormat) if samlFederationDetailLevel is set at least to MEDIUM
      • (ctlCreUid
      • ctlCreDat
      • ctlModUid
      • ctlModDat
      • ctlTcn) if samlFederationDetailLevel is set to HIGH
    • securityQuestion (if securityQuestionsDetailLevel is not set to EXCLUDE)
      • userExtId
      • credentialExtId
      • state
      • answers
        • (ctlCreUid
        • ctlCreDat
        • ctlModUid
        • ctlModDat
        • ctlTcn) if securityQuestionsDetailLevel is set to HIGH
        • question
          • extId
          • (description
          • state
          • displayName
            • entries
              • lang
              • value
          • content
            • entries
              • lang
              • value) if securityQuestionsDetailLevel is set at least to MEDIUM
        • answer
        • (revealCount
        • failureCount
        • successCount) if securityQuestionsDetailLevel is set at least to MEDIUM
      • (ctlCreUid
      • ctlCreDat
      • ctlModUid
      • ctlModDat
      • ctlTcn) if securityQuestionsDetailLevel is set to HIGH
    • fidoUaf
      • aaid
      • keyId
      • signCounter
      • authenticatorVersion
      • deviceId
      • appId
      • publicKeyAlgorithm
    • oath
      • type
      • algorithm
      • digits
      • period
    • properties (if propertyDetailLevel is not set to EXCLUDE)
      • name
      • value
  • HIGH: All elements from the MEDIUM detail level plus:
    • ctlCreUid
    • ctlCreDat
    • ctlModUid
    • ctlModDat
    • ctlTcn

The following detail levels can be useful in combination with credentialDetailLevel:

  • propertyDetailLevel
  • certificateDetailLevel
  • mobileSignatureDetailLevel
  • samlFederationDetailLevel
  • securityQuestionsDetailLevel
  • defaultDetailLevel

Example of a request and response with credentialDetailLevel and securityQuestionsDetailLevel set to MEDIUM:




<description>Sample question</description>
<value>Wie lauteten der Name der Strasse, die Hausnummer, die Postleitzahl und die Ortschaft, in der Sie als Kind wohnten?</value>
<value>What was the street name, house number, postal code and city name where you lived in as a child?</value>