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Version: 8.2411.x.x RR

nevisidmdb Usage and Configuration Properties

Command line

The nevisidmdb tool can be used for the migration of the database schema of nevisIDM.

The nevisidmdb tool is supported as of nevisIDM database version Older database versions must be migrated first to at least version, with the legacy nevisidmdb tool version 2.75.x. See chapter Upgrade database to version for further information.


nevisidmdb tool - Command line - Usage

Usage: nevisidmdb [-dhV] [-c=FILE] [COMMAND]
-c, --config=FILE Path to config file.
-d, --debug Show more debug information.
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-V, --version Print version information and exit.
migrate Migrates the database schema.
status Displays the status of the database schema.
loadpwddictionary Loads the password dictionary. (Note: For the Oracle database this command can take longer to complete.)
repair Repairs the schema history table after a failed migration.


-c, --config FILE/var/opt/nevisidmdb/conf/
noDetermines the location of the nevisidmdb configuration properties file. If you do not explicitly provide the location, the system will load the configuration file from the default location.
-d, --debugnoSets the output information level to debug. The nevisidmdb tool logs to the console and the /var/opt/nevisidmdb/log/nevisidmdb.log file.The file is rolled-over at a size of 10 MB; a maximum of 9 files are kept.
-h, --helpnoShows a complete description of the usage and returns with exit code 0.
-V, --versionnoDisplays the software package version (including patch/build number) and returns with exit code 0.


CommandDescriptionReturn Code
migrateMigrates an existing database to the available database schema version in the package.In case of failure: 1; In all other cases: 0
statusValidates the current state and displays the following information: The available database schema version in the package. This is the software version without patch/build number. The current database schema version, if existing. * Validation information, if existing.In case of failure: 1; In all other cases: 0
loadpwddictionaryLoads the full-size password dictionary reference table. Note that this is time-consuming!In case of failure: 1; In all other cases: 0
repairThis command fixes issues with the schema history table. It cleans up entries after failed migrations, re-aligns the checksums of the applied/available migrations, and marks missing migrations as deleted.In case of failure: 1; In all other cases: 0

Errors in command line parsing will result in a return code 2.

The first time that the system executes the migrate command during the initial database setup, it will create the database schema and load the nevisIDM reference data. See chapter Setup initial database schema for further information.

Configuration file

The path to the configuration file is /var/opt/nevisidmdb/conf/ per default. The file configures the configuration properties listed in the table below. Default values apply if a property is not set in the configuration file.

ConfigurationDefault ValueMandatoryAllowed ValuesDescription
noDatabase connection URL.
database.owner.nameno_ - # $ @ % . ' (un-)quoted alphanumericThe name of the database owner.
database.owner.passwordno_ - # $ @ % . ' (un-)quoted alphanumericThe password of the database owner.
Specific for Oracle Database:
database.ts.indexINDEX_IDMno_ - # $ @ % . ' (un-)quoted alphanumericThe tablespace name for the index of nevisIDM.
database.ts.dataDATA_IDMno_ - # $ @ % . ' (un-)quoted alphanumericThe tablespace name for the data of nevisIDM.
database.role.applRL_IDM_APPLno_ - # $ @ % . ' (un-)quoted alphanumericThe role of the application user.

Environment configuration file

The environment configuration file env.conf is located in the configuration folder /var/opt/nevisidmdb/conf.

The file includes the following environment variables:


Defines the Java installation to use.

As the first priority, nevisidmdb uses the Java installation defined by this configuration property in the env.conf file. If you do not set this JAVA_HOME property, nevisidmdb will use the Java version defined in the PATH environment variable.

Example: JAVA_HOME=/etc/alternatives/jre_1.8.0


You can use this variable to pass Java Virtual Machine arguments to the execution of nevisidmdb.Example: