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Version: 1.5.x.x LTS


nevisMeta package installation

This chapter describes the steps that execute to install nevisMeta as a Linux RPM package. The package name is nevismeta.


nevisAppliance is the recommended basis for installing Nevis components. The installation on a Linux is also supported.

The following requirements need to be fulfilled to install nevisMeta:

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 operating system
  • Java OpenJDK 1.8.0 JDK (java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel package).

As a persistence backend, Couchbase Server 2.2 or MariaDB Server 10.3 is required.

Depending on the deployment type, the following component is also required:

  • adnglassfish (only for Java EE deployments)

Installing the nevisMeta RPM

Run the following command to install the nevismeta package:

yum install <path to nevismeta-RPM-package>

Setup of a default instance

The container runs as user nvbuser. To start the Java process on Linux platforms, use the su(1) command. Make sure that the nvbuser has a valid shell set within the /etc/passwd file:

usermod -s /bin/sh nvbuser

The initial installation of nevisMeta requires two steps:

  1. Installation of the software package.
  2. Creation of the nevisMeta instance by using the nevismeta handover command.

Preparing the default instance

The handover option of the nevismeta administration script sets up a default instance of nevisMeta:

nevismeta handover

Use the nevismeta command without options to show a list of further parameters of the nevismeta administration script:


Instance setup

nevisMeta supports the deployment of multiple independent instances per system. Every instance runs independently from other instances as a separate process. You can deploy individual instances in two different modes: The standalone and the Java EE deployment mode.

Standalone deployment

In the standalone deployment mode, nevismeta uses an embedded container that is packaged with the application itself. The standalone deployment mode is the current default deployment type.

To create a basic nevisMeta instance deployed in standalone mode, run the following command:

nevismeta inst create <instance name>

Java EE deployment

In case of a Java EE deployment, nevisMeta uses the adnglassfish package to deploy itself into a GlassFish application container.

To create an instance in the Java EE deployment mode, set the deployment type to adnglassfish:

nevismeta inst create <instance name> DEPLOY_TYPE=adnglassfish

Version upgrade

Software updates are performed by removing the old and installing the new nevismeta package. Proceed as follows to upgrade to a new software version without changing the configuration:

yum remove nevismeta # running instances will be stopped
yum install <path to the new nevismeta version>
nevismeta <instance name> restart


Proceed as follows to uninstall the nevismeta package:

yum remove nevismeta

Users and groups

The user concept implies that the administrator (nvbuser) is the owner of the configuration files, while all members (primary group) of the Nevis group (nvbgroup) are able to read the configuration and log files. Each process should only be able to read the configuration files but write its logs.

User ID substitution

The sudo command allows individual users to execute each Nevis component command. AdNovum recommends registering all nevis* commands to the /etc/sudoers file. Example allowing all users that are member of the Unix group nvbgroup to execute the nevisproxy and nevisauth commands:

%nvbgroup ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/nevisproxy
%nvbgroup ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/nevisAuth

Ninja integration

To modify the Ninja configuration for a specific instance, use the following shell command:

nevismeta <instance name> config login

Configuration parameters are explained in more detail in the Ninja reference guide.