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Version: 1.5.x.x LTS


Backup persisted data on a Couchbase cluster

It is recommended using the standard tools provided by Couchbase or the backup script provided by nevisAppliance, see Backup and recovery in the nevisAppliance documentation.

shell> /opt/couchbase/bin/cbbackup <source> <backup directory> -u <admin> -p <password> -b <bucket-name>
# example: /opt/couchbase/bin/cbbackup http://[hostname]:8091 /backup-42 -u Administrator -p password -b nevismeta

For more detailed descriptions, syntax, and examples, see the Couchbase cbbackup online documentation.

Backup persisted data on a MariaDB server

It is recommended using the standard tools provided by MariaDB or the backup script provided by nevisAppliance, see Backup and recovery in the nevisAppliance documentation).

shell> mysqldump nevismeta > nevismeta-backup-file.sql

For more detailed descriptions, syntax, and examples, see the MariaDB mysqldump online documentation.