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Version: 3.14.x.x LTS


LoggerFilter is used for general purposes. You can define a free form log line with access to ENV, HEADER, AUTH, ... variables.



NameType, Usage Constraints, DefaultsDescription
Enableenum (on|off); optional, basic, conditional; default: on; Supported Pragmas: breakConditional enable logger, very useful when you only want to see certain requests in the log.
Syntax: on|off
Sample: Condition:HEADER:Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
This sample enables the logger only for form posts requests. No other requests will be processed.
FileNamestring; requried, basic; default: noneDefine the file name where the logger should write to.
RotationPolicystring; optional, advanced; default: no rotationSpecifies the rotation policy.
- size: <size in bytes>:<number of logfiles> For example: "size:10000000:10" means 10 generations of 10MB logfiles
- time: <hourly | daily | monthly> Defines when to trigger the logfile rotation: hourly: Rotate every full hour. daily: Rotate at midnight. monthly: Rotate on the first of every month (midnight).
LogLinestring; required, basic; default: noneDefines the log line to print. You can use
- ENV:<enviroment-variable>
AUTH:<auth-attribute-name>, and
Be aware that variables must be closed with a ;
Sample: "A sample log line with env ENV:my_env; and header HEADER:Content-Type;"
If my_env has the value "anything" and Content-Type is "text/html", then this would result in the following log line: "A sample log line with env anything and header text/html"

See the chapter: Configuring a log facility using filters.