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Version: 3.14.x.x LTS



This filter is deprecated. Use the IdentityProviderState of nevisAuth instead. See /opt/nevisauth/examples for SAML examples.



NameType, Usage Constraints, DefaultsDescription
AuthenticationServletstring; required: basic connectivityThe name of the authentication servlet. An Esauth4ConnectorServlet or another authentication servlet with that name must be configured.
BindingTypestring; requiredThe binding type used to transfer the SAML response. The following values may be configured:BrowserPOST: The SAML response is sent to the configured target location using an HTML page with self-submitting form. This HTML page is sent to the browser.DelegatePOST: The SAML response is sent to the backend using a simulated browser post. This means that an additional request with the SAML response is sent to the backend followed by the original request.Cookie: The SAML response is sent back to the browser in a domain cookie (name configurable). The browser is then redirected to a configurable location.Header: The SAML response is sent to the backend in an HTTP header field (name configurable).
Targetstring; optional; default: noneTarget of the SAML response. The configured value will be included in the SAML assertion and is also used as a target for redirects (BrowserPOST, Cookie) and backend locations (DelegatePOST).Alternatively, the target can be set via the AuthState in nevisAuth.
AudienceRestrictionstring; optional; default: noneAudienceRestriction that will be embedded in the SAML assertion.
AppendQuerystringboolean; optional; default: falseIf set to true, the query string of the original request will be appended to the target location.
AppendPathInfoboolean; optional; default: falseIf set to true, the pathinfo of the original request will be appended to the target location.
BodyReadSizeinteger; optional, advanced; default: 5120This attribute defines, how much of the HTTP body needs to be consumed to find the SAML data.
SourceIsBase64Encodedboolean; optional, advanced; default: falseThe SAML data may be base64 encoded by the provider. This flag signals to perform a base64 decoding first.
PropagateFromEnvstring array; optional, advancedAn array of <key>:<name> pairs which can be used to propagate additional environment data to the authentication service.


The following additional parameters have to be configured when using BrowserPOST binding.

NameType, Usage Constraints, DefaultsDescription
ParameterNamestring; optional; default: SAMLResponseName of the <FORM> field that will contain the SAML response.
RenderTemplatestring; optional, basicAn HTML file containing a render template to be used instead of the standard Browser-POST auto-submit form. The HTML file should contain a NEVIS_SAML_FORM variable that will be replaced.


The following additional parameters have to be configured when using DelegatePOST binding.

NameType, Usage Constraints, DefaultsDescription
ParameterNamestringName of the <FORM> field that will contain the SAML response.
DelegatePOSTValidStatusintegerHTTP status code used by the identity consumer (backend) to signal a successful authentication.
DelegatePOSTResendStatusintegerHTTP status code used by the identity consumer (backend) to signal a re-authentication. The simulated browser post will then be sent again followed by the original request.

The following additional parameters have to be configured when using Cookie binding.

NameType, Usage Constraints, DefaultsDescription
CookieNamestringName of the cookie which will contain the SAML response.
CookieDomainstringDomain set in the cookie. Has to start with a dot (e.g.
CookieHttpOnlyboolean; optional; default: trueConfigures whether the "HttpOnly" attribute will be set to the cookie.
CookieSecureboolean; optional; default: trueConfigures whether the "Secure" attribute will be set to the cookie.
SourceIsBase64Encodedboolean; default: falseConfigures whether the SAML response received from the authentication service is already base64-encoded (no re-encoding needed then).

The following additional parameters have to be configured when using Header binding.

NameType, Usage Constraints, DefaultsDescription
HeaderNamestringName of the HTTP header which will contain the SAML response.