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Version: 3.14.x.x LTS



The UserStatusServlet has been deprecated.

The UserStatusServlet generates HTML pages that list the realms of all IdentityCreationFilters that the user has logged in to.

Like the LoginRenderer, the UserStatusServlet has three different modes to generate HTML pages. The first mode (localBuiltIn) renders the session data using a built-in template. The second mode (localTemplate) embeds the session data in a user defined template file. The third mode (remote) forwards (e.g., in the input stream) the session data as an XML structure to a configured remote rendering servlet.

The XML data has the following form:


The name tags contain the name of the realm, the LogoutURI contains a URI which can be used for a logout link, a request to that URI will cause a logout from that realm. Note that this is not the same as the LogoutURI configuration in the HTTPConnectorServlet.

Additionally, for each value, a "UserStatusValue" header field is set with the following form:




NameType, Usage Constraints, DefaultsDescription
RenderingProviderenum:localBuiltIn, localTemplate:<dir>, remote:<servlet>:<uri>; optional, basic connectivity; default: localBuiltInDescribes how the authentication data is rendered.
‘localBuiltIn’ is the default.
‘localTemplate:<dir>’ is used for customized rendering templates in the directory <dir>. The directory <dir> must be readable.
‘remote:<servlet>:<uri>’ can be used to fully control the look of the HTML page.
UseFallbackboolean; optional, basic feature; default: trueIf the remote rendering service is not available, the mode ‘localBuiltIn’ will be used as fallback. That behavior can be disabled by setting ‘UseFallback’ to ‘false’.
RefreshIntervalinteger: 1..3600; optional, scaling; default: 60The value of the “refresh” header to be set in the generated HTTP response.