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Version: 3.14.x.x LTS

Lock a session cookie to the user IP address

If you like to prevent the session cookie may be used to detect an IP change and to initiate a reauthentication of the user.

The following example script stores the user's IP address and locks the user's session if the address changes during the session. The user has then to reauthenticate against nevisAuth to get the new IP address approved (from then, both addresses are valid and may be used during the session.

function enforceIP(request, response, chunk)
trace = request:getTracer()

currentAddr = request:getEnv("REMOTE_ADDR")
session = request:getSession(true)
prevAddrStr = session:getAttribute("lua:addr")
lock = session:getAttribute("lua:addr:lock")
if lock ~= nil then
-- already locked

if prevAddrStr ~= nil then
-- existing addresses: check current against previous
checkStr = "#" .. currentAddr .. "#"
if string.find(prevAddrStr, checkStr, 1, true) == nil then
logstr = string.gsub(prevAddrStr, "##", ",")
logstr = string.gsub(logstr, "#", "")
trace:notice("IP check: address changed to " .. currentAddr .. ", allowed=" .. logstr ..", action=lock session")
request:setAttribute("ch.nevis.isiweb4.auth.ExternalHint", "lock")
session:setAttribute("lua:addr:lock", prevAddrStr)
authProcessed = 0

function storeIP(request, response, chunk)
if authProcessed == 0 then
trace = request:getTracer()
event = request:getEnv("Event")
if event ~= nil then

if string.find(event, "AU05", 1, true) then
-- authentication event: unlock and store IP
session = request:getSession(true)
currentAddr = request:getEnv("REMOTE_ADDR")
checkStr = "#" .. currentAddr .. "#"
prevAddrStr = session:getAttribute("lua:addr")

if prevAddrStr ~= nil then
-- has alread an address
if string.find(prevAddrStr, checkStr, 1, true) == nil then
-- additional address
newPrevAddrStr = prevAddrStr .. checkStr
session:setAttribute("lua:addr", newPrevAddrStr)
trace:notice("IP check: add address " .. currentAddr)
-- first authentication
session:setAttribute("lua:addr", checkStr)
trace:notice("IP check: set address " .. currentAddr)


-- process only once per response
authProcessed = 1
return chunk


The filter has to be mapped above the IdenityCreationFilter authenticating the user and nevisAuth uses the authentication method "unlock" to define t he process to unlock a user if the session has been locked by this Lua filter.