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SAML Flows for Authentication

This chapter describes the supported flows for SAML authentication based on the sample setup described in the Supported SAML Flows section.

SP-Initiated Authentication

SP-initiated SAML flow for authentication

SP-initiated SAML authentication works as follows (the numbers of the steps below correspond with the numbers in the figure above):

  1. The user wants to access the web application

    • The web application is behind a nevisProxy virtual host and protected by a SAML SP Realm.
    • The user uses a browser-based client.
  2. As there is no authenticated session, access to the application is blocked.

    • Session tracking is based on a session cookie.
    • Authentication is enforced by nevisProxy.
    • The request is forwarded to nevisAuth, which acts as SP and initiates the SAML flow.
  3. The SP checks if the session has been expired.

    • This check is optional and can be enabled in the SAML SP Realm pattern (Session Expiration tab).
    • The SAML SP Realm pattern provides different strategies on how to handle expired sessions. Each strategy corresponds with a field in the Session Expiration tab:
      • Logout Reminder: Renders a page that reminds the user to log out in the future.
      • Timeout Page: Renders a page that informs about the termination of the session due to timeout.
      • Session Expiration Redirect: Redirects to a configurable URL (for example, a hosted resource or the URL of the IDP to trigger IDP-initiated authentication).
  4. The SP can also execute an optional custom pre-processing step.

    • You configure this step in the Custom Pre-Processing field of the SAML SP Realm pattern (Advanced Settings tab). Check the pattern's Help section for further information about this advanced feature.
  5. The SP now determines which SAML IDP to invoke.

    • This step is not relevant when only one IDP is configured.
    • The IDP is selected based on a selection expression. You configure this expression in the SAML IDP Connector pattern (Selection Expression field, Advanced Settings tab). Check the pattern's Help section for examples.
  6. The SP returns an AuthnRequest.

    • The AuthnRequest contains the Issuer of the SP and is signed with the SAML Signer of the SP.
    • The SP stores the current URL (of the application) in a RelayState parameter.
      • The SAML standard demands that the IDP returns this RelayState parameter unchanged.
    • The browser is instructed to send AuthnRequest and RelayState to the IDP. How these parameters are transmitted can be configured in the SAML IDP Connector pattern (Binding: Outbound field, Basic Settings tab):
      • POST-binding ("http-post"): Self-submitting form. This is the default setting.
      • Redirect-binding ("http-redirect"): Using query parameters and a 302 redirect.
  7. The IDP consumes the AuthnRequest.

    • The IDP first extracts the Issuer from the AuthnRequest and dispatches the request into the correct IdentityProviderState.
    • The IdentityProviderState validates the signature of the AuthnRequest.
      • If the signature is not valid, then a standard SAML error response is returned.
  8. If the user has no authenticated session on the IDP he has to log in first.

  9. Once the session is authenticated, the SAML IDP produces a SAML Response.

    • The Response is sent to the AssertionConsumerServiceURL that has been extracted from the AuthnRequest.
    • If no AssertionConsumerServiceURL is found, then the URL defined in the SAML SP Connector pattern is used.
  10. The SP consumes the Response:

  • Based on the Issuer of the Response the corresponding ServiceProviderState for this IDP is selected.
  • The ServiceProviderState validates the signature of the Response.
  • If the Response contains an AudienceRestriction then it has to match the current URL.
  1. The SP can execute an optional post-processing flow.
  • You configure this flow in the Post-Processing Flow field of the SAML SP Realm pattern (Advanced Settings tab). Check the pattern's Help section for further information about this advanced feature.
  1. The SP declares the authentication as done and redirects back to the web application.
  • The URL of the application is taken from the RelayState parameter.
  1. As there now is an authenticated session, nevisProxy allows the user to access the application.
  • If an Application Access Token is assigned to the web application, the SAML SP is invoked again to produce that token.
  • If an Authorization Policy is assigned that demands a higher authentication level, a session upgrade may be performed. See the chapter SAML Flow for Session Upgrade for details.

IDP-Initiated Authentication

IDP-initiated SAML flow for authentication

IDP-initiated SAML authentication works as follows:

  1. A user requests a URL that points to the IDP.
    1. The request may be sent to any of the frontend paths configured in the Frontend Paths field/property of the SAML IDP pattern (Basic Settings tab).
    2. Some parameters must be included (as POST or query parameters):
      1. Issuer: As used by the SP and configured in a SAML SP Connector pattern.
      2. RelayState: will be returned to the SP together with the SAML Response.
    3. The IDP uses the Issuer to determine the correct IdentityProviderState for this SP.
  2. In case the user has no authenticated session he has to log in first.
    1. The authentication flow is defined by the Authentication Realm pattern assigned to the SAML IDP pattern.
  3. Once the user has been authenticated, the SAML IDP returns a SAML Response.
    1. The SAML SP Connector pattern defines how the Response is returned:
      1. You can choose between POST-binding and redirect-binding.
      2. As there is no incoming AuthnRequest, configure the SP URL.
    2. The browser is instructed to send the Response and the RelayState parameter to the SP URL.
  4. The SP consumes the Response:
    1. Based on the Issuer of the Response the corresponding ServiceProviderState for this IDP is selected.
    2. The ServiceProviderState validates the signature (either the Response or the contained Assertion may be signed).
    3. If the Response contains an AudienceRestriction then it has to match the URL of the SP.
  5. The SP may execute an optional Post-Processing Flow.
    1. You configure this optional flow in the Post-Processing Flow field of the SAML SP Realm pattern (Advanced Settings tab). Check the pattern's Help section for further information about this advanced feature.
  6. The SP declares the authentication done and redirects back to the web application.
    1. The URL of the web application is taken from the RelayState parameter.
  7. As there now is an authenticated session, nevisProxy allows the user to access the application.
    1. If an Application Access Token is assigned to the web application, the SAML SP is invoked again to produce that token.
    2. If an Authorization Policy is assigned that demands a higher Authentication Level, a session upgrade may be performed. See the chapter SAML Flow for Session Upgrade for further information.

Be aware of the following warning/recommendation:

IDP-initiated authentication is harder to initiate (as it requires additional parameters to be sent) and potentially less secure (as the initial AuthnRequest from the SP is skipped). Thus, we recommend using SP-initiated authentication whenever possible.