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Collect Product Analytics Metrics

Collecting report using nevisAdmin4

The guide on how to collect Product Analytics and send it to Nevis can be found on the Product Analytics page.

Collecting reports using RPM setup

The Product analytics logs can be collected from the components' VMs. The following steps describe how to collect and send it to the Nevis Security team.

  1. Step: Log into the VM where Nevis is installed
  2. Step: Locate the log file

Every component creates their product analytics log file under the container's log or logs directory. Here is an example to retrieve the file in the nevisIdm component:

cat <path-to-log-dir>/<service-name>-nevis-product-analytics.jsonl


  • path-to-log-dir: Path of the log directory, e.g.: /var/opt/nevisidm/idm/log/
  • service-name: Name of the service, e.g.: nevisidm
  1. Step: Copy the file from the VM to your computer
scp <user-name>@<host>:<path-to-log-dir>/<service-name>-nevis-product-analytics.jsonl <path-to-copy>


  • user-name: Username for VM, e.g.: admin
  • host: The server's domain or IP address
  • path-to-log-dir: Path of the log directory, e.g.: /var/opt/nevisidm/idm/log/
  • service-name: Name of the service, e.g.: nevisidm
  • path-to-copy: Path on local machine
  1. Step: Repeat Steps 2-3 on all the components

  2. Step: Send an email with the log files attached to [email protected].