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Monitoring setup with nevisAppliance without OpenTelemetry Collector

The monitoring nevisAppliance comes with an already configured OpenTelemetry agent which can be used for logging Product Analytics metrics for the components.

See Software installation in the nevisAppliance documentation for image installation instructions.


During generation, nevisAdmin4 creates the file which should look similar to this example: = <service-name>
otel.traces.exporter = none
otel.metrics.exporter = none
otel.logs.exporter = none

For Java based components, to use the OpenTelemetry agent, nevisAdmin4 extends the JAVA_OPS of the relevant component with:


nevisAdmin4 uses the already existing /opt/agent/opentelemetry-javaagent.jar file.


The ProductAnalytics metrics are logged in every 24 hours to the application's standard log file.