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Version: 4.5.x LTS

Installation of Additional Pattern Libraries

nevisAdmin 4 supports the installation of custom pattern libraries (also known as plug-in bundles). The libraries are stored in the nevisAdmin 4 database and kept until they are explicitly deleted.

The Nevis standard pattern library is automatically included with the product. In some cases, Nevis Support may request you to install an older or newer version of the standard library plug-ins. The instructions below also apply to that case.

Uploading a Library via the GUI

See Pattern Library Management.

Uploading a Library via REST

Specify the variables in the following commands before executing the commands. Set CUSTOM_LIBRARY to the file in the current working directory that you want to upload.

Preparation: Login to get authentication token

export NEVISADMIN_URL=http://localhost:9080
export ADMIN_USER=admin
export ADMIN_PASSWORD=admin
# for https, you can add the -k flag to all curl commands to skip certificate verification
export AUTH_RESPONSE=$(curl -v -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -d "{\"userKey\":\"${ADMIN_USER}\",\"password\":\"${ADMIN_PASSWORD}\"}" "$NEVISADMIN_URL/nevisadmin/api/v1/login?tokenType=bearer")
export TOKEN=$(echo $AUTH_RESPONSE | sed -nE 's/.*"token" : "(.*)" }/\1/p')

Upload pattern library

curl -v --header "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -F "bundle=@$CUSTOM_LIBRARY;type=application/java-archive" $NEVISADMIN_URL/nevisadmin/api/v1/bundles

Using the Library within a Project

To use the uploaded library, perform the next steps:

  1. In the nevisAdmin 4 GUI, navigate to the Project settings screen of your project.
  2. Click on Edit below the Standard libraries table.
  3. Tick the box in front of the pattern library you uploaded (or change to a newer version).
  4. Click Save changes.

See also: Editing Project Pattern Libraries.