Generation Process
After you have specified your NEVIS configuration by means of patterns, nevisAdmin 4 will translate the information in the patterns into configuration files and activation commands. This is done by the so-called Generation Engine.
The entire generation process consists of the following elements:

Pattern input:
As input for the generation process, the Generation Engine needs the information from the patterns. This information is basically a list of configuration settings. The list includes the property values that are provided by you through the user interface.
On a technical level, the input contains the following elements:
Generation process:*
The next step is the actual generation process. During this step, the Generation Engine translates the pattern input into configuration files and commands.
On a technical level, the Engine does the following:
The goal of a pattern script is to build a bridge between the high-level terminology used for the patterns and the low-level language used for the configuration files.
Generation output:
The output of the generation process are configuration files and commands specified for the target systems.
The logic and notation of these config files and commands are such, that the corresponding Nevis components (nevisProxy, nevisAuth, and so on) can understand them.
Deployment is the process of activating or updating a configuration (defined in a configuration project) onto the server infrastructure.
Within nevisAdmin 4, specifying the configuration and defining the infrastructure setup are two independent processes. It is not before the deployment that you link the configuration of your Nevis environment (project) with your concrete infrastructure (inventory). Therefore, if you deploy a specific configuration in the nevisAdmin 4 GUI, explicitly select the infrastructure (inventory) on which you want to run your Nevis component instances. nevisAdmin 4 then combines the configuration and infrastructure information, to generate the configuration files and to transfer them to the correct target system(s).
nevisAdmin 4 currently supports two types of deployment, the classic deployment and the Kubernetes deployment: