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Version: 4.12.x.x LTS

REST Authentication with cURL

Preparation: Login to get authentication token

export NEVISADMIN_URL=http://localhost:9080
export ADMIN_USER=admin
export ADMIN_PASSWORD=admin
# for https, you can add the -k flag to all curl commands to skip certificate verification
export AUTH_RESPONSE=$(curl -v -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -d "{\"userKey\":\"${ADMIN_USER}\",\"password\":\"${ADMIN_PASSWORD}\"}" "$NEVISADMIN_URL/nevisadmin/api/v1/login?tokenType=bearer")
export TOKEN=$(echo $AUTH_RESPONSE | sed -nE 's/.*"token" : "(.*)" }/\1/p')

The excerpt above is included before REST examples. The variables NEVISADMIN_URL and TOKEN will be available for further requests.