Review system changes
Another task of the security expert is to review the system changes of the nevisDetect application or to find out which change of the system caused a problem. This corresponds with the following use case:
- View Audit log
Use case: View Audit Log
You can view all the changes made to the nevisDetect system in the Audit log screen. Proceed as follows (see the figure below - the numbers in the figure correspond with the numbered steps below):
- To open the Audit log view in the nevisDetect web application,
- Select Audit from the top menu.
- You can filter the audit log records by login ID, time range or revision type (ADD: creation, MOD: modification, DEL: deletion, ALL: all). Click the Filter button to show all log records that fulfill your filter criteria.
- The filter results are shown in the table below the Filter button. Specify the category of log records you would like to see, by selecting the corresponding tab on top of the table.
- The Revision type column displays the kind of change (deletion, modification, creation), the Date column the modification date.
- The User name column contains the login ID of the user who made the change. In case the change was triggered by the system you will see a technical user here.

For more information on the Audit log view, see the chapter Audit section.