Notification settings
The notification settings define how nevisAdmin can propagate messages to other systems.
SNMP trap destinationnevisAdmin may send SNMP traps to the configured receiver. See the Nevis Management Information Base (MIB) The MIB may be downloaded at AdNovum's Customer Zone using this link about the message syntax.
SMTP gateway This panel defines the host name and port of the SMTP server which shall be used to send emails to operators.
All operators responsible for a server or instance having an email address registerd are informed about status changes using emails, see also the chapter User preferences how to configure a user's email address.

The sender address for email (SMTP) notifications is [email protected] by default. You may configure another email address using the property ch.nevis.nevisadmin.smtp.sender.
See the chapter Monitoring for more information about monitoring the Nevis infrastructure.