Replace HTTPs certificate
The HTTPs certificate used by nevisAdmin 3 is self-signed and not trusted by browsers. Thus, there will be a certificate warning when you access the nevisAdmin GUI. This section explains how to replace the certificate.
- In the following steps, we assume that the keytool can be found via PATH. If this is not the case, you can use /opt/adnjdk18/bin/keytool instead.
- This is a non-trivial task. The exact steps depend on your requirements. Not all sections may be applicable.
Stop nevisAdmin.
Make a backup of the nevisAdmin instance directory.
Delete the existing certificate from the container keystore:
keytool -delete -keystore
/var/opt/adnglassfish/nevisadmin/nevisadmin/config/keystore.jks -alias s1asEnter the keystore password to delete the certificate. The default password is: "changeit". See the following section: Change Keystore Password, on how to change the password later on.
Generate a new private key using the fully qualified hostname of nevisAdmin (as visible to the browser):
keytool -genkey -keystore
/var/opt/adnglassfish/nevisadmin/nevisadmin/config/keystore.jks -alias s1as -
keyalg rsa -validity 9999 -dname "CN=<hostname>, O=<your company>, C=CH" -ext san=dns:<hostname>Use the same password for the keystore and the alias.
Now that you have created a new key pair, you can export a certificate request:
keytool -keystore
/var/opt/adnglassfish/nevisadmin/nevisadmin/config/keystore.jks -certreq -alias s1as -
keyalg rsa -ext san=dns:<hostname> -file /tmp/request.csrSign the certificate request with your CA. In this example, we assume your CA is managed by nevisKeybox:
neviskeybox sign -ca myCA -file /tmp/request.csr
Add the CA certificate to the container keystore:
keytool -import -keystore
/var/opt/adnglassfish/nevisadmin/nevisadmin/config/keystore.jks -file
/var/opt/neviskeybox/default/myCA/ca_cert.pem -alias myCAImport the new HTTPs certificate into the glassfish keystore:
keytool -import -keystore
/var/opt/adnglassfish/nevisadmin/nevisadmin/config/keystore.jks -file /tmp/new_cert.pem
-alias s1as