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Version: 4.5.x LTS

RPM-Based Installation

For an RPM-based installation of nevisAdmin 4, follow the next steps:

  1. Download the RPM package from the AdNovum Customer Zone. The RPM will be named nevisadmin4-<version>-noarch.rpm or similar.
  2. Install the RPM on your server:
rpm -i nevisadmin4-<version>-noarch.rpm

Install this package only on the central machine that runs nevisAdmin 4.The installation automatically creates an instance as well as a runtime user (nvbuser). 3. Make sure that the environment (of the runtime user nvbuser) includes the variable JAVA_HOME pointing at your Java JDK installation. 4. Because the RPM establishes a symlink, you can use the following command to control your instance:

  1. Continue with Initial Setup.

Because nevisAdmin 4 manages the target systems with SSH, there is no need to install nevisAgent, as was the case with nevisAdmin 3.