Elasticsearch Troubleshooting
Checking the Status of the Starting Service
Run the following commands to make sure that the service has started completely:
# To view the status of service starting.
systemctl status elasticsearch@<instance-name>
# To view log of service starting to ensure the service is started without issue.
journalctl -u elasticsearch@<instance-name>
# Using Elasticsearch API to check the status.
curl -XGET localhost:9200
Checking the Configuration of Installed Elasticsearch
The configuration of Elasticsearch is stored in the /var/opt/elasticsearch/<instance-name>/config
directory by default.
vi /var/opt/elasticsearch/<instance-name>/config/elasticsearch.yml
Viewing the Elasticsearch Logs
For the purpose of testing and debugging, you can view the logs while starting the service:
tail -f /var/opt/elasticsearch/<instance-name>/logs/elasticsearch.log
Viewing the List of Indices in a Cluster
After deploying the search definitions and the building indices, execute the following command:
curl -XGET localhost:9200/_cat/indices?v