Working with Secrets
You use secrets in an inventory to protect sensitive information from anyone who does not have the rights to see this information.
The secret values protected by nevisAdmin 4 cannot be in
Protecting passwords
For example, consider a component that needs to connect to a database. Instead of putting the password as plain text in the inventory file, you can add it as a secret variable in the inventory.
Passwords are visible in generated configuration files, for example in the deployment wizard.
Adding a Secret
If you want to add a secret value to an inventory:
- Put you cursor right after the variable name inside a vars block, for example after __connection_password: .
- Click the Insert secret button.
- The Insert secret dialog opens. Enter the secret value for this variable in the input field. Click Insert secret to add the secret value to the variable in the inventory file.
The following movie demonstrates the steps to perform. As an example, a secret is inserted for the __connection_password variable for SSH connections.
Note that it is usually more secure to configure key-based authentication. For more information, see Deployment via SSH.

Deleting a secret
If you no longer need to use a secret value, you can simply delete the reference (secret://...) from the inventory.