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Authenticators endpoint

Using this endpoint you can rename and delete authenticators. Renaming is done with the PATCH command, and deletion with the DELETE command.

Rename an authenticator

HTTP request

PATCH https://{instance}{authenticatorId}

Path parameters

authenticatorIdUUIDrequiredThe unique identifier of the authenticator to change the name for.

Request body parameters

namestringrequiredThe new name of the authenticator, so it can be distinguished if multiple authenticators are used.

Example HTTP request

cURL code sample for changing an authenticator name
# Set $authenticator_id
curl "https://$$authenticator_id" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $access_key" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d "{ \"name\":\"$name\" }"

HTTP response

authenticatorIdUUIDUnique identifier of this authenticator.
namestringThe name of the authenticator provided by the user.
typeenumDefines the mobile platform for mobile authenticators. The value is ios for iOS, and android for Android.
enrolledAtstringThe date when the authenticator was registered.
updatedAtstringThe date when the authenticator was last updated.
authenticatorTypeenumDetermines the type of the authenticator. The value can be appor fido2.
stateenumIndicates the state of the authenticator.
uafDICTIf present, this field contains data related to the FIDO UAF authenticator. Only applicable if the authenticatorType is app.
uaf.userAgentstringOptional user agent. The client application sends the userAgent when a FIDO UAF authenticator is registered or used for authentication.
uaf.deviceRefUUIDUnique identifier of the physical device. This value will not change other than in specific scenarios: Can the Device Ref of the authenticator change?
uaf.userDisabledPushNotificationbooleanIndicates if a user is disabled (true) or enabled (false) notifications for their application. When disabled, push authentication is not possible.
lastLoginDateSuccessstringThe date of the last successfull login with this authenticator.
lastLoginDateFailurestringThe date of the last failed login with this authenticator.

The lastLoginDateFailure field is only updated when a technical failure occurs during credential validation. If the login flow is interrupted at an earlier stage, or if the request times out, no failed login gets recorded, and thus the field remains unchanged.

Example HTTP response

200 OK: Authenticator is updated.

"authenticatorId": "f3ef70fc-9231-48f8-8e81-8eef7826d594",
"name": "Personal Phone",
"type": "ios",
"enrolledAt": "2020-10-09T08:44:36Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-10-09T08:44:36Z",
"authenticatorType": "app",
"state": "active",
"uaf": {
"userAgent": "NMASDK/ (iPhone13,2; iPhoneOS 16.6) ch.nevis.accessapp.muvonda/2.7.20812.812",
"deviceRef": "be4b7fe8-1785-4818-9550-bb8cd7153fff",
"userDisabledPushNotification": false
"authenticatorId": "e312772c-c9d0-4746-aa10-5dba62ae7da0",
"name": "fido2 auth",
"authenticatorType": "fido2",
"state": "active",
"enrolledAt": "2023-02-27T14:46:54Z",
"updatedAt": "2023-07-11T14:14:31Z",
"fido2": {
"userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
"rpId": "",
"aaguid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"userVerificationRequirement": "preferred",
"attestationConveyancePreference": "none",
"residentKeyRequirement": "discouraged"
"lastLoginDateSuccess": "2024-04-30T12:33:42Z",
"lastLoginDateFailure": "2024-04-30T12:20:15Z"

In setups where multiple application backends are used with a single app, authenticators should only be renamed through the app, not the API. This is to avoid a mismatch between the name of the same authenticator on the different backends.

Delete an authenticator

An authenticator is deleted by its unique, permanent authenticatorId. After deleting an authenticator, the user can no longer use this authenticator for authentication.

Irreversible Destructive Action

This action is destructive and cannot be reversed.

HTTP request

DELETE https://{instance}{authenticatorId}

Path parameters

authenticatorIdUUIDrequiredUnique identifier of the authenticator to delete.

Example HTTP request

Code sample for deleting an authenticator name
# Set $authenticator_id
curl "https://$$authenticator_id" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $access_key"

HTTP response

204 No Content: Authenticator is successfully deleted.

404 Not found: No authenticator with provided authenticatorId exists.

No response body is returned in case of successful deletion.