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Status endpoint

After a registration or authentication operation, poll this endpoint to verify the status of the original operation. Status polling is applicable only to operations when the channel is app, push, or fido2.

HTTP request

POST https://{instance}

Request body parameters

statusTokenstringrequiredThe status token as retrieved during registration or approval.

Example HTTP request

Code sample for status polling
# Set $statusToken
curl "https://$" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d "{ \"statusToken\": \"$statusToken\" }"

HTTP response

A transaction can have one of the following statuses:

  • pending: The transaction is still pending because the user did not react to the push notification yet.
  • succeeded: The transaction was successful.
  • failed: The transaction failed, either by timeout or because the user did not accept.
  • unknown: Unknown transaction.
transactionIdUUIDThe unique identifier of the operation.
statusenumThe status of the transaction. The status can be pending, succeeded, failed, or unknown.
 userIdUUIDRepresents the user that is the subject of the transaction. In case of usernameless authentication, the userId is only present when the status is succeeded.
usernamestringThe username that the user was registered with. In case of usernameless authentication, the username is only present when the status is succeeded.
tokenstringA consumable transaction token that contains the verifiable result of the current status. For more information, see Token introspection endpoint.
createdAtstringThe date when the registration or approval was started.
lastUpdatedAtstringThe date when the registration or approval was last updated.

Example HTTP response

200 OK: Pending - The operation is still waiting for confirmation by the user

"transactionId": "b7d44592-91f3-4f4b-9e37-202a3061edc3",
"status": "pending",
"userId": "7e16ba00-92e2-4fcb-b30e-1af8fdc843aa",
"username": "Userxyz123",
"token": "eyJhb...Fl9bpEXGGw",
"createdAt": "2020-10-09T12:52:48Z",
"lastUpdatedAt": "2020-10-09T12:52:48Z"