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Integrate Authentication Cloud with nevisAdmin 4

Create the configuration file for the nevisAdmin 4 pattern:

  1. On the Nevis Portal, go to the Authentication Cloud Management Console for your instance, see Accessing the Management Console.
  2. In the sidebar, click Settings > Access keys.
  3. Click + Generate access key on the top right of the page.
  4. Set a Name that clearly identifies your key.
  5. Add the Nevis protected corporate domain of your backend application to the Description field.
  6. Click Generate. You are navigated to the details page of the newly created key.
  7. Click Show access key, then copy your key.Add Nevis Integration
  8. Create an empty access-key.json file, and paste your access key.
  9. Go to your nevisAdmin 4 installation, and follow the instructions provided in the Identity Suite Concept and Configuration Guide to upload the access-key.json file.