Multiple users
Multiple users may log in and work with nevisAdmin simultaneously. Users may even work within the same environment, the same infrastructure or the same zone (having the same authorizations) at the same time. However, there are some limitations to be considered.
Same object
While it is possible that two users simultaneously work on individual objects, such as two different applications, they should not modify or update the same object at the same time.
Individual objects are:
- A server
- An instance
- A service including its connectors
- An application
- A mapping
- A resource including all its subviews

If nevisAdmin detects more than one user changing an object at the same time, it reports this condition as a "collision" You may disable the collision detection feature by setting the ch.nevis.nevisadmin.user.collisiondetection property to false. If collision detection is disabled, a user may overwrite the settings made by another user unnoticed.. A pop-up message appears (see the figure below). The user who tried to modify the object last needs to reload the view and has to re-enter his changes.
Changes on a per environment basis
The configuration generator (see the chapter Workflow) always considers every change done within an environment. If multiple users are working within this environment, the generator includes all changes of each user in the new configuration files.
Loading an old revision
If a user loads an old revision of an environment, e.g., because he has deleted an object by mistake, the system turns back all new changes made to the environment and to connected infrastructures such as servers.
Be aware that if you load an old revision of an environment, changes done by other users in newer revisions of the same environment may be lost!