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Test registration and approval

Add the Access Key

If this is the first time you visit the page, you must add the access key. If you have visited this page before, the access key is already present, and you can skip step 1 to 3.

  1. In a browser, open the Test and debug application URL.
  2. Under Setup and Tokens, verify that the URL is your instance URL.
  3. Under Access Token, paste the Access Key you retrieved from the Authentication Cloud management console.
  4. Click Check + Continue.

Check the registration service functionality on the test.html page

The check refers to step 3 in the Overview page.

  1. Under Enroll a new authenticator, enter a username of your choice.
  2. Click the Enroll button. A QR code is displayed.
  3. On your mobile device, open your Access App.
  4. Tap Continue in your app.
  5. Scan the QR code with your Access App.
  6. Select your authentication method, that is, a PIN or a biometric method.
  7. Authenticate the registration with your mobile app authenticator.
If the registration service works
  • The authenticator displays a notification that the registration is successful.
  • On the test.html page, under Enroll a new authenticator, the last JSON response field displays a JWT payload with "status": "succeeded".
  • If the registration is successful, you also must test if transaction approval also works as expected.

In all other cases, create an incident report. In your ticket, report the exact steps needed to reproduce the issue, including the username you used, the timestamps, the returned responses as well as the app version used.

Check the transaction approval functionality on the test.html page

The check refers to step 4 in the Overview page.

  1. Under Sign an approval, the username is prefilled with the username you used for registration previously.
  2. In the Message field, enter a test message, shorter than 200 characters.
  3. Choose the approval method that your customers use.
  4. Select the Prompt user for confirmation of message checkbox.
  5. Click the Send approval button. Either the message is pushed to your phone or a QR code is displayed.
  6. On your mobile device, tap the notification to open your Access App.
  7. Approve the push message or scan the QR code with your Access App.
  8. Select your authentication method, that is, a PIN or a biometric method.
  9. Authenticate the transaction on your authenticator.
If the transaction approval service works
  • The authenticator displays a notification that the authentication was successful.
  • The test.html page, under the Sign an approval section, the last JSON response field displays a JWT payload with "status": "succeeded".
  • Verify and fix the problem directly with the end user.

In all other cases, create an incident report. In your ticket, report the exact steps needed to reproduce the issue, including the username you used, the timestamps, the returned responses as well as the app version used.