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Delete email link

The endpoint provides functionality to delete the email link of an existing user. The user can no longer use the email link received in the email.

HTTP request

DELETE https://$$userId/email-link


ParameterInTypeRequired / OptionalDescription
instanceIdpathstringrequiredThe ID of your Identity Cloud instance
userIdpathstringrequiredThe ID of the user

Example request

Set the user ID.

curl --request DELETE "https://$$userId/email-link" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $accessKey"

HTTP response

On success

HTTP/1.1 204 is returned if the email link is successfully deleted.

On missing user

HTTP/1.1 404 is returned with an error message if the user with the given userId is not found.

Example response

"error": "User with id: cdc891da-51ea-11ec-bf63-0242ac130002 cannot be found."

HTTP/1.1 404 is returned with an error message if an email link with the given userId is not found.

Example response

"error": "No email link found."

On failure

HTTP/1.1 401 is returned if the authorization fails due to an invalid access key.

HTTP/1.1 422 is returned if invalid request content is given.

HTTP/1.1 500 is returned if an unexpected error occurs.