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Get user

The endpoint provides detailed information of a user.

HTTP request

GET https://$$userId


ParameterInTypeRequired / OptionalDescription
instanceIdpathstringrequiredThe ID of your Identity Cloud instance
userIdpathstringrequiredThe ID of the user

Example request

Set the ID of the user.

curl "https://$$userId" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $accessKey"

HTTP response

On success

HTTP/1.1 200 is returned if the user is found.

versionintegerThe version of the user data, used for optimistic locking
createdstringThe creation date of the user in ISO 8061 timestamp format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ
lastModifiedstringThe last modification date of the user modification in ISO 8061 timestamp format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ
loginIdstringThe email of the user
userStateenumThe state of the user; Values: active,blocked, notInvited, pendingInvitation, expiredInvitation
languageCodestringThe language of the user
userIdstringThe identifier of the user
name.titlestringThe title of the user
name.firstNamestringThe first name of the user
name.lastNamestringThe last name of the user
genderenumThe gender of the user Values: female, male, other
birthDatestringThe birth date of the user in ISO 8601 date format YYYYY-MM-DD
address.countryCodestringThe country code of the user in ISO 3166-1 format
address.citystringThe city of the user's address
address.postalCodestringThe postal code of the user
address.addressline1stringFirst free text for supplementary address information of the user
address.addressline2stringSecond free text for supplementary address information of the user
address.streetstringThe street of the user
address.houseNumberstringThe house number of the user
address.dwellingNumberstringThe dwelling number of the user
address.postOfficeBoxTextstringThe post office box text of the user
address.postOfficeBoxNumberstringThe post office box number of the user
address.localitystringThe locality of the user address
contacts.telephonestringThe landline telephone number of the user in E.164 format starting with the plus + sign and having no spaces
contacts.telefaxstringThe telefax number of the user in E.164 format starting with the plus + sign and having no spaces
remarksstringThe short metadata; Additional information field for the user Example Remarks to a food delivery
modificationCommentstringAdditional metadata regarding user modification Note This can be seen in the history.
propertiesmap<string,string>Custom attributes of the user You can request custom user attributes on the management console. For more information, see Custom user attributes.

Example response

"loginId": "[email protected]",
"address": {
"dwellingNumber": "31",
"city": "Budapest",
"street": "Corvin sétány",
"countryCode": "hu",
"postalCode": "1082",
"postOfficeBoxText": "133",
"houseNumber": "1/b",
"locality": "Corvin-negyed",
"addressline2": "Main building",
"addressline1": "Corvin sétány 1/b",
"postOfficeBoxNumber": 9
"gender": "other",
"modificationComment": "simply created modification",
"created": "2021-10-15T07:54:12Z",
"languageCode": "en",
"version": 1,
"birthDate": "2000-01-01T00:00:01Z",
"userState": "active",
"name": {
"firstName": "Jane",
"lastName": "Doe",
"title": "Dr."
"lastModified": "2021-10-15T07:54:12Z",
"userId": "4a5e7346-488b-46f9-914f-79ddb1131e0b",
"contacts": {
"telephone": "+3611234567",
"telefax": "+441619998888"
"remarks": "my first user!",
"properties": {
"preferredContactChannel": "email"

On missing user

HTTP/1.1 404 is returned if no user is found with the given userId, with a detailed message.

Example response


The referred extId field in the response equals the userId.

"errors": [
"code": "errors.noRecord",
"message": "A user with extId 4a5e7346-488b-46f9-914f-79ddb1131e0ba doesn't exist on client with name Client-users"

On failure

HTTP/1.1 401 is returned if the authorization fails due to an invalid access key.

HTTP/1.1 500 is returned if an unexpected error occurs.