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Block and unblock users

The administrator can block and unblock users directly in the Management console under User management > Users.

Block users

The administrator can block active users from logging in to your applications.

  1. Go to User management > Users.
  2. Select a user.
  3. Click Block in the more options menu of the user.

Once a user is blocked, their status changes from Active to Blocked in the Management console.

The user facing side

The user does not get an email notification about the blocking. Users who are blocked cannot log in or execute the Refresh Token flow. A blocked user sees the following page during login after entering their email:

User Blocked page

User sessions are not terminated, neither in Identity Cloud, nor in applications. Access tokens can still be used as long as they are not expired. Thus, we recommend setting a short lifetime for access tokens.

Unblock users

The administrator can unblock blocked users.

  1. Go to User management > Users.
  2. Select a user.
  3. Click Unblock in the more options menu of the user.

Once the user is unblocked, the user state changes to Active. Active users can log into your applications.

Unblock user